Training: Day 3

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Finally! All of these lame exercises are done! Now time for some real training. Right now, I'm fighting Gray.

"Oi! Idiot! Pay attention!" Gray was waving his hands in my face. I punched his face.

"What the fuck Nastu!" Gray punched my face. I kicked his leg and he elbowed me in the stomach.

Your probably thinking that it hurts, well since I've trained my entire life, I got use to the punches and kicks.

I took a quick glance at my sister. Natsumi was currently fighting Lisanna.

Natsumi low kicked Lisanna and she stood with a victorious smile on her face.

"Your really strong Lisanna." "Your strong too Natsumi-chan." said Lisanna with a smile.

My sister is strong, but I hope this plan that Natsumi was able to think of is a success.

My thoughts were I interrupted when Gray punched me in the face. "Hey!" I kicked him in the stomach.

I ran to Gray did a front flip and stuck my leg out so when I reach him I'd kick his stomach.

Almost there! "Gray!" I yelled at the idiot. He saw me coming his way and he moved to the side, so I accidental hit someone else.

"Ow! That hurt like hell!" I was stood up and I saw the person that I kicked. I quickly ran for my life.

"NATSU! GRAY! IDIOTS!" Erza ran towards me and somehow Gray ended up running next to me.


"Ok, let's go for our jog, do some weightlifting, and some stretches." Mira was explaining to the guild about our workout for today while Erza chase the two idiots.

We all began our jog. Some people went fast, some went slow, and other people went at a normal pace, that would be me.

Lucy and I talked about our kids and how cute they were. I guess I got distracted when I noticed that we were on top of a huge ass mountain!

"Good job everyone!" Mira have us a thumbs up. "You can walk or run down the mountain, we'll have a break soon."

I chose walking cause my legs felt like they could give up at anytime right now. I guess I was too distracted that I forgot about my legs getting tired.

"I wonder where Erza chased Natsu and Gray?" I asked Lucy. "Hmm. I'm not sure, but all I can is that they're idiots."

As we walked down the mountain, I could see three people running up a mountain with a trail of dust behind them.

"Lucy look." She looked. "That looks like Natsu and Gray. With Erza going after them." I took a close look.

"Haha! Your right." I kept laughing. "At least they're getting some exercise." I said.

"I think this was Erza's plan to get them to do something instead of fighting each other or she's going to kill them." said Lucy.

After making fun of the guys, Lucy and I reached the bottom of the mountain and we made our way back to camp.

Everyone was talking and eating some sandwiches. "We'll start with the weightlifting soon." said Mira.

After about 15 minutes of chatting and eating, the entire guild started to do weightlifting, cardio workouts, and some exercises like push-ups and sit-ups.

"This training is getting worse, but we're getting stronger." said Lucy. We did some cardio workouts, push-ups and worked out our arms and legs.

As Lucy and I grabbed a sip of water, we heard two loud screams coming from the forest.

"Mira?" I asked her. "I don't know what it is." She said. "Everyone get in your fighting positions!" yelled Laxus.

The screams got louder and louder as they approached us and the camp. "Get ready!" I yelled.

Trees from the forest where being knocked down, loud footsteps could be heard, and the screams grew louder.

The final tree was knocked down and a giant gust of wind blew dirt in our way, so the it blocked our view, so we weren't able to see the person that was screaming or the monster.

After waiting for the gust of dirt to clear, we saw two piercing red eyes. "NATSU!!! GRAY!!!" They were both beaten up and unconscious.

"ERZA?!" They  entire guild questioned. "Those idiots were annoying me, so I chased them. I chased them to the mountain, the park, around the entire town and the amusement park. We even took pictures."

Erza held a picture of her and the two idiots on a roller coaster. Natsu and Gray were screaming and hugging each other in fear in the photo while Erza looked happy.

"Mira what do we do now?" asked Wendy. "I think that's enough training for today. We should all go home and rest." said Mira.

We all agreed. "So what about them?" I asked Erza while pointing to an unconscious Natsu and Gray. "They'll have to find their way home." said Erza.

"Well time to eat, sleep, and repeat."

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