On the search

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"So the sleep potion will help weaken a dragon?" I asked Igneel one more time. "Yes Nastu, we've been over this more than 20 times."

I stood up. "Why are you asking about this?" Dad squinted his eyes at me.

"Hehe, um it's for a," I looked around the house. I saw a poster about food. "It's for food." "Food?" "Yeah." I said nervously.

"Right well Metallica, Grandeeny, and I will be busy, so don't bother us." I left the house.

I went to my sister's house. Once I got there I just walked in through the door. "Ever heard of knocking idiot." said Gray.

Gajeel and Wendy were also there sitting on the table and playing cards. "Natsu, what did dad tell you?"

Natsumi walked in with snacks.
"That a sleep potion will weaken a dragon." "Where would we search?" asked Wendy.

"I'm not sure, I heard that there's a really good magic shop at a certain town." said Natsumi.

"Wait! Do we have to take a train?!" I whined. "What Salamander! Your scared of a little train ride." said Gajeel in the most annoying voice I ever heard.

"No!" "Then let's get going!" said Natsumi. "I'm gonna beat this damn train!"



Gajeel and Nastu hung there heads out the window. "What happened to "beating" the train." I did quotations with me fingers.

"It's complicated, Salamander." said Gajeel. "H-help m-me." Natsu threw up.

"Wendy." "Aye." She walked over to the two Dragonslayers. "Trovia." after a few minutes Gajeel and Nastu were running around the train, including the roof.

I guess that Wendy and I were trying to stop the two idiots that were running like animals that we already reached our destination.

"Lily!" "Happy!" I rolled my eyes. "They do know that the town is like a few minutes away and they're going to the wrong way." said Wendy.

"Nah, let them find their own way. C'mon let's start looking for that sleep potion."

Wendy, Carla, Spotty, and I walked around the town exploring, asking where the shop is, and buying some food.

"We are never going to find he shop!" whined Spotty. I rolled my eyes. "We'll find it."

We walked for about 30 minutes until I heard two screams and I felt my body hit the ground.

Wendy was on top of me, but for some reason she felt heavy. "Wendy are you eating too much?" I asked her.

"No. It's cause Natsu-san and Gajeel-san are on top of me." she said while trying to lift up the two idiots.

Happy and Lily were able to get the off from us. "What the hell?!" I asked angered. "You guys were on top of poor Wendy and I!"

I scowled at the two unconscious idiots. "Wait!" Natsu stood up. "We found the shop!" "Yeah Salamander is right for once in his life." said Gajeel as he stood up.

"Where?!" "Up that mountain." Natsu pointed at the giant ass mountain that I've ever seen.

"No. That's too high. Even for you. How did you even get up there?" "Happy and Lily." said Natsu.

"Well let's go then." I said. "Spotty let's go to the mountain!" "Aye sir!" "Again I'm not a sir." Spotty giggled.

I smiled. With our exceeds flying us we flew to the tall mountain.

After 10 minutes, the four of us stood face to face with a wooden door and a tiny shop that looked like a house.

"Ring the door bell." I said. "No, just wait." "Why." "Cause." Natsu pulled me to the  side and Gajeel pulled Wendy to the side.

Natsu rung the doorbell and a boot came out. "That thing will send you flying." "Then knock."

"What!" "I said knock." Gajeel knocked and an old lady opened the door. "Hello m'am." I said.

"I want those two buttheads out." I looked at the guys. "Fine." "But Natsumi-" It was too late. The old lady pulled Wendy and I into the shop/house.

"What can I get you girls?" the old lady asked us as she poured tea in three cups places and placed some cookies on a plate.

"Thank you." Wendy and I said in unison. "We came to ask you if you have sleep potion. I heard that this is where I can get it."

"You may have it, but what is the reason why? You must tell or no potion.

We used our lacrima to communicate.

"Natsumi what do we do?" "I guess we have no choice, but to explain to her. She also may know something about Acnologia."


"We need to weaken an evil dragon." "What's the name of this evil dragon." I gulped.

"Acnologia." the lady stiffened. "That dragon is pure evil. You must defeat him." she handed us a blue bottle with a moon on it.

"Please defeat Acnologia." "Do you any information?" "I was there when Acnologia destroyed my town. I was only a little girl when this happened. I remember it's features. The skin was a dark royal blue, it's had these black tattoos around it, is claws and talons were sharper than a knife, the dragon was bigger than 3 long busses, and those piercing eyes haunt me forever. Please don't let the damn dragon destroy. Once it startd to destroy, Acnologia never stops."

"We will defeat him m'am." "Thank you." she said. We both nodded at her. "Please be safe." she said as she stood up and left the room.

We both walked out the shop/house. "Did you get the sleep potion?" asked Natsu.

"Yes." "Well let's go." Our exceeds carried us to the train station. Night was about to fall, but we would make it home before 10 a.m.

This lady faces a terrible past. She actually witnessed Acnologia. Is he really that dangerous?

Maybe I'll ask Gramps.

"Natsumi?! The train is here." "I'm going Natsu." "Are you ok sis?" "Yeah I was just thinking about some research that we could do tomorrow."

"Ok, but if you need to talk, come to me and we'll talk." "Thanks bro." we hugged each other.

I love my idiotic brother.

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