Shopping! Chapter 2

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Rain. Bloody old rain. In Australia it's warm. Here it's cold. Great! I am going to have to get used to the cold weather unless I want to act like its summer all the time.

I slowly got up knowing that today I was going to be a girly girl.

I walked over to my suitcase knowing that I would have to wear track pants or something like that. I sighed as I opened up the large suitcase that is sitting in front of me.

I choose to wear some jeans that are torn with a plain Tee and a Roxy jumper.

I decided on having a shower so I went to the new bathroom. I took my clothes off and then hopped in.

Once the soothing warmness of the water was on my skin I didn't want to get out.

I washed my hair and then my body. I just stood there thinking for a while and then got out.

I got changed into my clothes and saw it was still raining. I went to my bedroom and got my makeup out. I also got my brush put knowing that it takes quite a while to get the tangles out of my long hair!

I brushed my hair and as I suspected it was knotty as hell. I tugged and tugged and finally it all came out. I chose to put my hair in a messy bun on top of my head with a bandanna around the rest of my head.

With my makeup I decided on a blue shadow, light pink blusher, foundation (obviously), bronzer and a red lip.

I got my keys, phones and purse by then realised that I had no shoes on. I ran inside grabbing my converse and putting them on quickly.

I drove off to Tick Tock and then went inside. "Hello! I'm guessing you want the same as yesterday?" The man asked me. I realised he had a name tag.

His name was Adam.

"Yes please!" I said rather excited. "I'll give you a discount and you can have it for $5!" He said.

"Wow thanks." I replied with a smile. I went to a table and started eating.


"Bye Adam!" I said to Adam. He said bye back and then I headed back to my car. I drove to the nearest mall and went inside.

I wasn't looking where I was going and then I suddenly bumped into someone.

"Shit" I muttered.

"Sorry! I wasn't paying attention to where I was going. It's my fault." I said to the man vastly.

"Don't worry. I wasn't paying attention either."

We started chuckling.

He extended his arm out and We shook hands.

"Joe." Joe said.

"I'm becky! Pleased to meet you!" I said happily.

"Wait do you live next to an apartment?" He asked.

"Uhh... Yeah?" I said but I said it more like a question.

"Well maybe I can come visit some time"

"Yeah sure! I need a friend around here!"

We finished talking and then went our separate ways. I think I might have found myself a new friend that I don't have to go far to see.

I walked into a shop called Love And Lemon. It looked interesting so I had a look inside.

To be honest it wasn't the best but then I fell in love with something. It was white and looked kind of frilly.

It had a singlet type of top joined to shorts that looked the same. I ran over to see how much it was.

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