Vidcon! Chapter 14

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This is what I want Becky's voice to be like. :)! Also this is a long chapter:P

Becky's P.O.V

As I dragged my suitcase out of Tans and my apartment I felt excitement buzzing through me. I locked the door and then started walking down to the lobby. There were quite a few people in there but it was not packed.

I walked to the airport seeing as I was early. I had a smile on my face and happily walking.

I saw 3 girls run up to me grinning ear to ear.

"Can we have a picture!!" One squealed.

"Sure'!" I said giving them a hug one by one. We took a couple of selfies before we parted ways.

BeckyJasShills: Just met this lovely bunch! @XxEmz @LillyParker and @Madzoturtle ! Xx😘

I kept walking to the airport, bumping into a couple more fans on the way.

Once I finally got there I went to find Joe. I saw him waving his hand side to side.

I ran up to him giving him a hug.
"I'm so excited!" I squealed.
"Me too even though I've been here loads of times before!" He said.

I got on the plane once I did all the other stuff you need to do so you can actually get in! Joe and I were at the back of the plane. In front of us we had Tanya and Jim. Behind us we had Zoe and Alfie.

"I'm so excited!" I told them all.

"Me too" "me too" me too" "me too!" They all said happily. I smiled as I got my lap top out of my bag. I realised I hadn't vlogged today so I also got put my blogging camera. I could hear Alfie vlogging in the background. I turned my camera smiling happily.

"Hey guys. We are now on a plane to Vidcon. This is my first ever time so I'm really excited!" I said to the camera.

"I hope I see you there! I'll see you soon!" I waved to the camera before turning it off. I plugged in my ear phones into my phone and put them in my ears. I put on some music nodding my head along to the beat.

I started mumbling the words making sure no one heard me.

We're only getting older baby. And I've been thinking about you lately. Does it ever drive you crazy, just how fast the night changes.

Suddenly the music stopped. I looked down and saw my ear phones had been unplugged.

I looked over at Joe and e had a small smile on his face. "You're really good" he whispered. I started blushing at his words.

"Thank you" I said quietly looking down, still blushing.

I faced over so I was facing Joe and snuggled up to him. I closed my eyes letting them get heavier and heavier.

"I love you" I heard Joe whisper in my ear.

"I love you too" I mumbled.

After about 3 minutes of trying to sleep I got to sleep a grin on my face.


Somebody shook my softly making me jolt awake. I rubbed my eyes tiredly letting out a yawn. I looked over at Joe who was sleeping peacefully. I decided to watch some YouTube as I probably couldn't get to sleep again.

I grabbed my laptop and plugged in my head phones. I put them in and then turned on the device.

I opened up YouTube and typed in the search bar ThatcherJoe.

I scrolled down until I came to the first video. I clicked on it a smirk on my face.

I felt the plane start to stop so I shut my laptop screen, unplugged my earphones and put them in my bag.

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