Meeting Zalfie Chapter 4

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                        Becky's P.O.V

I woke up with Joe steadily breathing next to me.

"Good morning gorgeous." Joe says to me in his croaky morning voice.

"Good morning." I say snuggling up to him.

"It feels so good to be able to wake up next to someone" I tell Joe.

"It does" he agrees.

"Today can we go to Brighton so you can meet my sister?" He asks me.

"I'd love to meet her! Will we tell her about our relationship?" I ask him.

"Yeah I think we will."

"Yay! I'm excited! I better make a good impression!" I say winking.

"You don't need to. At least I didn't hook up with some random clubber!" Joe exclaimed.

I started to chuckle at his craziness.

"I'm gonna go get ready love. You do whatever you want." Joe said to me.

I decided to get ready as well. I made my bed and headed over to my wardrobe.

I opened it up and decided on wearing some black leggings, a tank top and a cardigan.

I walked into my onsite and had a shower. I washed my hair and washed my body. It only took me 5 minutes!

New Becky record!! I got changed into my comfy clothes and then headed into my room. My makeup was very simple except I had a bright pink lip.

For my hair I did it in a messy bun with a bandanna. I was pretty pleased with myself so I put some white flats on to finish the look.

I went out into the kitchen and then looked if there was any fruit. I made Joe and myself a berry milkshake for breakfast.

After I was done I poured it into 2 cups. Joe came out in sweatpants and a normal Tee.

"Milkshakes for breakfast eh?" Joe asked me with a smirk.

"Yeah..... Couldn't be bothered doing anything else!" I told him.

We sat at the table talking about the most aimless things. Somehow we just get along so.. So... So great that I forget we have other people in the world.

Once we were done I decided to check my YouTube, Instagram, Twitter, Tumblr, Facebook and Pinterest.

The last thing I went on was YouTube and I realised my subscribers have grown rapidly and I was now at 200,000!

I told Joe and he said bring my camera and stuff because I might be able to film with Alfie, him and Zoe so that would be good. As we left I got my handbag and then locked the house.

We got into my car as we started the journey to Brighton.

I sang along to the music swaying my head back and forth. After about the 2nd song Joe suddenly said "You have an amazing voice Becky..."

"Thanks... It's not something I'm too proud of" I replied.

I thought back to the days in high school where me and my friends would smoke cigarettes and all that shit.

I wasn't the most popular kid in the school. I mainly hung out with the boys. I'd get detention at least every week.

I'd throw party's and get smashed. I'd hook up with all these random boys and do all that.

One day I got really depressed about my life. It was when I was about 16. I went into the bathroom, got a razor and sliced my wrists.

My sister Abigail found me. Apparently there was blood around me.

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