part 2

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"Mitch..." I heard someone say. I felt someone shake my shoulder lightly. I squeezed my eyes shut and groaned from the pain.
"Mitchy..." Scott said again. I opened my eyes and was greeted by his beautiful eyes.
"What time is it?" I mumble, sitting up slowly to cause as little pain as possible. The cut in my side hurts so bad I have to force back tears.
"It's 6. I was wanting to know if you wanted to go out for dinner?" He said. He was sitting on the edge of my bed and his eyes were glued to mine.
"Yeah, okay." I said with a small smile.
He smiled as well. "Awesome! I am going go get ready." He said. Once he left my room I carefully stood up to change. I put on a deep blue sweater and some black jeans. I tugged at the sleeves of my sweater and pulled them over my fingers. I walked out to see Scott and Wyatt sitting on the couch. I smiled and walked over to them.
"Hello baby." I said to Wyatt.
Scott chuckled and handed the small cat to me. He started purring as I petted him and he stretched. I giggled a bit and then he jumped off my lap.
"Where do you want to eat?" He asked, helping me off the couch.
"You can choose." I said with a small, pathetic smile.
"Does pizza sound good?"
"Pizza always sounds good." He laughed and I give Wyatt dinner before following Scott out the door. We drove to a small pizza shop while listening to the radio. I didn't sing but instead leaned my head on the door and listened to Scott's beautiful voice. We pulled up to the restaurant and he turned off the car. I was about to get out when I felt him hand on my leg. I turned and looked at him.
"What's wrong Mitchy?" He asked.
"It's nothing." I said.
"Don't lie to me Mitch. I know something is wrong. I know you as well as you know yourself." He said.
"Scott. It's fine." I said. Before he could say another word I slid away from his touch and started towards the front door. I heard him groan and he quickly caught up to me. We walked in to the restaurant in silence.
"Hello. Table for two?" The hostess asked. Scott nodded and led me by my hand to the table she gave us. I smiled at her as she gave us our menus and told us the specials.
"Anything look good?" Scott asked me, not looking up from his menu.
"I was thinking Hawaiian." I said. He nodded.
"I think I will get pepperoni." He said.
A male waiter came up to us.
"Are you gentlemen ready to order?"
"I well get the Hawaiian with a side salad please." He nodded writing down my order.
"And I will get pepperoni."
"Anything to drink?"
"I will have a water." Scott said with a smile as he stacked our menus.
"Same for me please." He took our menus and walked away.
"Mitch. Will you please tell me the truth." He said. I can't tell him... I CAN'T! I shouted at myself.
"I can't." He looked at me.
"So you are lying!" He said.
"I never said that!" I said.
"You just did! I asked you to tell me the truth and you said no!" He said.
I set my head in my hands and shook my head.
"Please drop this Scott." I mumbled into my palms.
I peeked up and saw him shaking his head.
"Whatever Mitch." He said. The pizza came about 5 minutes later. We made small talk about pentatonix and superfruit but Scott stayed away from my 'touchy' subject. Once we finished our meal I payed for our food before Scott could protest and walked to the car.
I slid into the drivers seat and started the car as Scott climbed in beside me.
I started driving and I swore as I remembered I have to spend the night with Travis.
"What's wrong?" Scott asked.
"I told Travis I would sleep over with him." I swore I could see jealousy in Scott's features but I quickly told myself to stop lying. He would never love someone so disgusting.
"Oh, okay." He said sadly.
We drove to Travis's in silence. We pulled up and I gave Scott a small kiss on the cheek and ran up to the house before Scott could see the blush on my cheeks.
I knocked twice and the door swung open to reveal a drunk Travis. My mind was racing. This is bad.
He grabbed my wrist hard and drug me into the house, slamming the door shut behind us.
"Your late." He hissed
"Your drunk." I shot back.
He grabbed my arm so hard it felt like he broke my bone. Great... Not even five minutes in and I have a new bruise to add to my collection.
"Travis! Please stop, I want to go home!" I shout, fighting to get my arm from his grasp.
"Come on Mitch. Let's just have fun tonight." He said, his words coming out jumbled.
"NO! Travis please!" I screamed as he started dragging me to his room.
"Mitch! Do not disobey or you will be punished!"he said, punching me in the face.
Tears spilled over as I felt the pain flower in my cheek.
"Now mitchie, Be a good boy." He said, pinning my hands above my head and kissing me hard.
"Travis... Please don't do this..." I cried as he moved his lips to my neck, his hands slipping under my shirt.
He ignored me and slid my shirt off. I tried to push him off me. Big mistake...
He kicked me to the floor and started kicking me.
"Do. As. I. Say!" He shouted. He pulled me up and started kissing me again, bending over and throwing me on the bed. He climbed onto me, his knee inbetween my legs and way to close for comfort. He started kissing down my chest and all I could do was close my eyes. And pretend it was Scott.

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