Part 10

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"Mitch! Are you okay?" Scott yelled as we herd the distinct sound of throwing up,
"I'm fine!" I heard Mitch say weakly
"Please open the door Mitch." Kirstie said sweetly.
"NO!" He yelled, throwing up again.
"Please Mitchie..." Scott said.
There was a moment of silence followed by a very loud 'Thump'
"MITCH!" We all screamed.
I hit the door with my fist.
"Mitch! Open the door!" I yelled.
"Go away! please!" He cried in a shaky voice.
"Only if you promise to talk to at least one of us!" Kirstie said.
"Fine!" He called. "Now will you all please just go away?"
We all looked at each other and then at The locked door that held Mitch.
I nodded and they looked at the door sadly before following me back to the recording room.
After a little while Mitch walked back in. He was looking at the floor.
"Kevin?" He said so quiet I almost missed it.
I walked over to him.
"Can I talk to you?" He looked up and his eyes were red.
"Sure Mitch." I said. He gently grabbed my hand and pulled me into the small room that was connected to the Recording room.
He locked the door and walked over to the chair in the farthest corner of the room. I went and sat in the seat beside him.
"What's going on Mitch?" I asked. He put his head in his hands and I noticed he was shaking. I put my hand comfortably on the small of his back and felt his muscles tense at my touch.
"Mitch...?" I tried again.
He lifted his head and his eyes met mine.
"I have just been really depressed lately. Travis and I are fighting all the time and I can't just go home to Scott because he doesn't want me there, and I tried seeing if I could stay with Avi and Esther but they said I couldn't. It's just really hard sometimes... You know?" He asked placing his chin in his hands and keeping his eyes on me.
"Yeah, relationship can be hard man. And Scott actually really wants you home, he was telling us that this morning. And why don't you just end things with Travis?" I watched him sigh in reaction to my last question.
"I am just so scared..." He said looking at the floor. "I don't want to loose him."
I nodded.
"Well, my door is always open Mitch."
His eyes widened with appreciation.
"Really?" I nodded. "Thank you so much!" He said hugging me.
I laughed "my door is always open."
"Do you really think Scott wants me back home...?" He asked
"I know he does." He smiled brightly. I have to admit, I missed seeing his smile. "Let's go, I don't want to keep them waiting to long."
He hugged me again.
"Thanks K.O." He said against my shoulder.
We walked out and he held the door for me. I thanked him and he followed after me. The group smiled when they saw the smile on Mitch's face.
'Thank you' Scott mouthed. I smiled and nodded.
We went straight into practice and it was over before we knew it.
As everyone started walking to their cars I grabbed Mitch's wrist, he cringed and shut his eyes before looking up at me.
"Remember what I said. You are always welcome to stay with me." He smiled and thanked me before walking. But I noticed he didn't get into a car. I then noticed their was only four cars.
"Mitch!" I called. Everyone then noticed that he was walking out of the parking lot.
"Where are you going?!?" He walked back our way but stopped about 20 feet away from us.
"I... Um... I am going to catch the bus." He said looking at his clasped hands.
"Do you want a ride?" I asked.
He smiled. "Are you sure?" He asked
"Of course I'm sure! It is just a ride." He smiled a small bit bigger and nodded his head. Everyone got in their cars and Mitch climbed into my passenger seat. I drove him to his and Travis's. We spent the drive talking about music. We had thrown around a few ideas of songs that it would be fun to do covers of. I pulled up to Travis's and he just stared at the door. After about thirty seconds he got out and made his way to the door. I saw him step inside and wave before the door was slammed shut suddenly. I frowned, but drove away.


I turned and waved but watched as Travis slammed the door, nearly hitting me with it in the process. He grabbed my wrist and I cringed at the pain as he drug me over to the couch. He forced me to sit on his lap, my legs on either side of him. He grabbed both of my hands in his.
"I have some friends coming for dinner and I want you to do everything that I , or they, say." He said.
"Yes sir." I said not looking at his eyes.
"I have a special job for you tonight pet." He said with a smile.
"What is that sir?"
"They are coming here for dinner and desert. Your going to be their desert." He said with an evil smile.
I knew I couldn't argue so I stutter out 'who?'
"You don't know them. And it doesn't matter because you are going to do it anyway or else you will be punished so badly." He said in a deadly voice. "They will be here in a hour and I want you showered, looking your best. Do you understand?" I nodded but was silently crying.
He stroked my head. "That's good, pet."
He stood up suddenly, throwing me to the floor.
He walked to the kitchen and I ran to my room. I grabbed black skinny jeans and a light gray long sleeve shirt as well as a pair of boxers. I walked out and was about to enter the bathroom when I was stopped by Travis, demanding to see my outfit. I showed him and he smiled.
"Good. But don't wear the boxers." He said, plucking them out of the small pile of fabric in my arms.
I nodded and went into the bathroom.
I made the shower scalding hot and stepped in. I was done in about 45 minutes, making sure to take my time and wash everywhere.
I got dressed and went to meet Travis in the kitchen. He told me to go and set the table for 10. As soon as I was done the door opened and 5 men walked in, followed by 4 woman. They all smiled at me and I could tell by just looking at then they were all very intoxicated.
I realized by the amount of plated that I would be skipping dinner. Travis looked at me.
"Go to your room." He said. I nodded and left.
I fell onto my bed and started to sob. He sold me... It's like I am just a piece of property and he is letting all of his friends use me.

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