Part 21

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I was sitting on the couch, the image of what awaited us in that empty room still burned into my mind. I can't take this...
"Why would anyone do something like this..." I finally said to no one, bursting into tears. "What kind of world is this...?"
My heart hurt so badly. I just want Mitch home and safe, in my arms. I can't loose him and from what I have seen and heard, Travis is not afraid to kill Mitch. He could be the person to take my best friend, the person I love, away from me forever. The mere possibility of loosing Mitch... Never getting to see his smile... Hear his voice or his gorgeous laugh... Never getting to hug him... Or hold him... Sent me into hysterics. I don't know how long I sat there crying but I sat up when I heard my phone 'ding'. It was a video message from the blocked number... It's Travis.
It was a photo message. I was terrified of opening it top find a photo like the last... Of a beaten and bloody Mitch. Or worse... I opened the message and it was a video. I fought back hot tears. What if this is the video of him hurting... Or... Killing... Mitch...? I would not be able to go on after seeing my best friend being killed.
But I opened it anyway. It was a darkish room.
Mitch was on his knees, chained to the wall.
His eyes where open but he was looking at the floor. From what I could see and hear, he was alone. Then I heard his small voice. He sounded so weak... So broken.

"Heavenly Father...
I am praying today to ask for your help.
I am trapped here, all alone. I don't know if I will ever get out but please... Protect Scott.
I finally came to realize something... I love Scott. He means everything to me. The hardest part of this all was loosing him. I have accepted that I may not get home... I may not see him or anyone else every again but... Please save Scott... If I don't make it, please help to guide him and everyone else. Thank you Lord for all you have done for me and for everyone I love. Please keep them safe. In your holy name,

I was wiping tears from my eyes. He is still alive! But he lost hope... He thinks we won't find him, that he is going to die there. All he cares about... Is me...

I got a call. I answered it with shaky hands.

'My Mitchie won't stop talking about you. "Scott will save me." It is getting annoying. And I hate it when people annoy me. I also hate it when people take my things. I think you both need to learn a lesson.' He said.

"No! Please don't hurt Mitch... I will do anything..."

"I don't understand why you care so much about this fat, ugly worthless f***. I mean, no one could possible love this sad excuse of a human. And because I am so nice... Why don't I take care of it for you.' I heard the sound of a gun being cocked. Tears where streaming down my face.

"Please... I am begging you not to do this... Please..." I cried.

"You know what...? I like you Scott. I won't kill the fa**et yet. You have 24 hours to get here, or you will find you 'precious' Mitch dead and bound to my floor." He said. "I'd hurry Scotty. Because every hour I have to wait..." I heard Mitch scream in pain. And then silence.
"I'll see you soon."

The line went dead.

Yay... This story is getting close to a close. Should I make Scott find Mitch dead? Alive? Or find him alive and he dies after? I am fairly sure I know the answer but I still want to ask. Sorry again for the short chapter. I have been sick [ happy birthday to me :( ] and I have a lot of things going on. I'll try my hardest to keep updating. But no matter! Stay lovely gorgeous people!

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