Part 14

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Whenever I thought about what it would be like when I died I imagined a peaceful darkness. The darkness is here, it all that's here, but it is not peaceful. It is cold and frightening, depressing and unsettling.
I haven't died... Not yet. But until I do... Or until I wake up, I am trapped here.
I can here him... Everyday he cries at my side, reads to me and talks to me. It is killing me to hear the sadness in his voice.
"Mitch. I love you. So much more then you even knew. I've been in love with you for 13 years and I realized it to late." He said, his voice thick with sadness.
"Please Mitch.... If you can hear me... If miracles exist.... Please wake up... I can't live without you... You are my everything."
I could feel his warm hand on mine but I couldn't move it. Then I heard his beautiful voice singing my favorite Disney song. I loved it because as kids I would always imagine that being me and Scott. I could be Jasmine and he could be Aladdin. When he ended I heard him cry. I felt warmth spread through me as he hugged my limp body.
"Please Mitch... Please don't leave me..." He said through tears. I felt his warm lips on mine.
I felt energy surge through me and I used everything I had to move my hand. I wrapped it weakly around his.
He gasped.
"Mitchie..." He said quietly, squeezing my hand.
I carefully rolled my head to face him, but it felt as if it was full of lead.
I felt him gently brush my cheek with his thumb. I forced my self to open my eyes. I looked at him and he was tying not to cry even more.
"Oh my God..." He breathed. "Your okay... Your really okay..." He said hugging me. I wrapped my arms lightly around him.
"I'm so sorry Scott..." I said quietly, my voice thick and weak.
I heard him let out a sob and he started shaking. The door swung open and my eyes met Kirstin's. She covered her mouth and ran over to Scott and I. I saw Avi, Kevin and Esther standing by the door.
Scott tried to sit-up to let Kirstie hug my but I hugged him tighter.
"Please don't leave me Scott..."
He smiled. "I won't leave you ever again Mitch..." He said.
I let him go and he walked over to Esther and hugged her while Kirstie took me into her arms.
"You scared us Mitch... We thought we were going to loose you..." She said crying. I kissed her cheek.
"I am so sorry." I glanced around and saw a bunch of doctors looking at me in awe.
I shut my eyes and gave Kirst a small, weak squeeze as she cried.
I hugged Avi and Kevin and then Esther kindly asked everyone to leave so she could talk to me alone. Scotts eyes didn't leave mine but he eventually nodded and followed everyone out.
Esther sat on the bed beside me.
"Was he here... At all...?" I asked her, not looking in her eyes.
"No. I haven't seen him..." I don't know why but her words hurt a small bit. I know he doesn't care but part of me wanted him to at least make sure I am okay...
"I am so scared Esther... I don't want him to hurt me." I said as one year after the next rolled down my cheek.
She wiped them with her thumb.
"I won't let him hurt you ever again. I promise." She said. I looked at her face and she was crying as well.
"Mitch...?" She asked quietly.
I made a small hum at her.
"Why did you do it...?" She asked quietly.
I folded my arms so I was hugging myself.
"He sold me... Gave me to them..."
"Gave you to who Mitch...?" She asked quietly, rubbing small circles on my back.
"I don't know... He had them over and told me to do whatever they wanted or he would hurt me very badly... But nothing hurt more then what they did to me..." I said hanging my head.
"Mitch?" I looked up at her. "What did they do?"
I shook my head and started to rock back and forth, trying to make the memories go away.
I felt her stand up and the memories came flooding back. The hospital wasn't here anymore, instead I was at home with him.


Esther walked out in the hall where we were standing.
She grabbed my arm and pulled me into the room, everyone following behind. I saw Mitch in a ball, rocking back and forth. I ran over and grabbed him a hug.
"No... Nonononono...." He mumbled crying.
"Mitch...." I said shaking him lightly.
He started crying harder. "Please don't hit me! Please!" He cried. I looked at him with wide eyes and the room was thrown into chaos.
"You hit him!?!"
"What the f**k Scott!?!"
"How could you!?!"
"What the hell is wrong with you!?!"
"I don't hit him I swear! I could never hurt Mitch!" I yelled.
Mitch was shaking and crying "please don't hurt me..." Over and over.
"Really Scott!?! Then why don't you explain why he started crying for you not to hit him when you touched him!" Kirstie yelledz
"I don't know!!!" I yelled.
"EVERYONE SHUT UP!!!" Esther yelled. We all went silent. Esther never raises her voice none the less yells.
"Scott hasn't done anything." She said.
She rubbed my arm as she sat by Mitch, who had his head in his arms.
"Mitch... Sweetie please listen to me..." She said in her calm, motherly voice. "It's just Scott. He would never hurt you. Travis isn't here... I promise he won't hurt you again Mitch..." Mitch lifted his head and looked at her, then he looked at me. The fear left his face and he looked sad.
Everyone gasped when she said Travis.
That was the last piece to the puzzle...
I understand everything. I walked over and took Mitch in my arms.
He laid his head on my chest and cried. I cried so hard I couldn't breathe.
My poor Mitchie...

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