Fight the Good Fight

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Since my little episode with Batman, I had since been grounded. I was not allowed to leave my room. Dr. Fate had since magically made the window smaller. Frustration boiled within me. Why couldn't the Justice League trust me enough to let me out? I had been nothing if not obedient to what they wanted for the past three years. And as much as I missed my family, I understood the need for secrecy. The League would be blamed for the incident when in reality it was them who saved me. All I was asking was a chance to prove myself, to become the hero that they had trained me to be.

I recalled Robin's choice in clothing. The cape, the mask, the whole shebang.  I knew Robin didn't have powers, but I did envy him for one specific reason. He was considered a hero when he put on that outfit.

Well, I thought, if I am going to be a hero, then why not begin with the outfit?

It needed to be functional and have a great appearance. A good outfit might be able to throw an enemy off his or her game. I looked in my closet. I pulled out a plain black cropped top and a small black skirt. Too plain. Then I got an idea.

What if I used magic? Then I could make it look like whatever I wanted.

Like Dr. Fate, my magic didn't necessarily require speaking backwards. I focused. This wasn't difficult; there wasn't a whole lot of distractions in a room filled with nobody. I imagined what I wanted. With a flash of golden light, the plain black outfit I had was now beautiful. The cropped top remained as such, but instead of having a strap wrapped around each shoulder, it now had three straps that connected the neckline and collar of the shirt (there were three straps on the back as well.) the collar and outline of the shirt's neckline and hem were gold. The the right side of the shirt was a small golden ankh. The skirt was still very simple. Only the waistline and hem were gold. I had created out of my magic a mask, which was like Robin's but gold. I grabbed a pair of black boots that went up to my knees out of my closet. I put the outfit on. Finally, I pulled my hair up into a ponytail.

Now, to give it a field test. Only problem, I was still stuck. I wondered if I could reverse Dr. Fate's spell. Some rational part of me, of which I was not overly familiar with, said 'Both Dr. Fate and Zatarra are great magicians. Like you could break his spell. Besides your in enough trouble as it is.' The other, more fun, part of me thought, 'What the heck? I don't have anything to lose.'

So I went with the latter. I concentrated on the window. I imagined it getting large enough to go through. I felt my magic extend from my body. Now, the good thing is that my magic was once Fate's magic; he wouldn't know that I did this until it was too late because it blended in with the rest of the Tower's magic energy. Bad news is that I can't use it outside of  the Tower 'cause Fate would be able to track it to me. I glided out of the window, but this time I was ready for anything.

I took the same road that I had taken with the bus. This time, though, I had to hop from roof to roof. It took a lot longer. By the time I had reached Gotham, I was exhausted and it was midnight. The rational part of me said 'Now see what you did. You could've been sleeping but now your hiding from the League. Good luck with that.'

I used magic to change my outfit into something more casual: a pair of jeans, a hoodie, and a pair of converse. I quickly ran away from the area. Dr. Fate could still sense my magic. I gained a decent amount of distance from where I had changed. I decided to sleep in an alleyway (like I had a choice, being broke has limited options.) Tomorrow I would fight the good fight and show the Justice League that I was loyal to them.

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