I Return to School

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Batman had insisted. If I was going to stay at the cave, I couldn't be left there alone. With everybody attending school five out of seven days of the week, I had seven to eight hours by myself. Batman didn't like it. He probably thought I would burn down the cave, even though that was impossible. So he decided on sending me to school. I was going to go to Gotham North.

Returning to school gave me mixed feelings. I wanted to have a social life and make friends. This is something that I had truly missed while being Fate's apprentice. Nothing compared to having friends. But it was also school. This meant a whole lot of work. I hate homework.

I walked into the school's office. A nice lady, who wore too much make-up, gave me my schedule and a small map. The map didn't help (I can barely read them). I walked into the wrong first period class. The students stared at me.

"Oops," I said meekly, "Wrong class."

The class lost interest and the teacher in the room gave me a pass and a guide. I had a feeling that she was one of those people who put two kids into a romance in her mind because she gave me a cute boy for a guide. He had blond hair and a cocky smile. His eyes were emerald green. He was also vaguely familiar. He led me out of the class.

"I'm Kyle, by the way," he said. I tried not to show my surprise. That's why he looked familiar! He used to be my friend.

"I'm Kelly Moralis." I had chosen this name because my nickname had been Cally and my last name was Moore. I wanted someone to recognize me and bring it to my family. I figured that this would be the best way to do it. Now Kyle could recognize me! But I couldn't just tell him. The League would find out. Then, I'd be in big trouble.

"What's your first period class?" he asked.

"Math," I said, wrinkling my nose. I hated math. Every time it was brought up I always got unexplainably irritated.

Kyle brought me to my class. I thanked him and we parted ways. The rest of math class and every other period I was obviously ignored by the other students, who had already conformed into clicks and social statuses. It would be a long time until lunch.


I walked into the cafeteria and got in line for my food. I should've asked M'gahn to make me a lunch. Cafeteria food is always terrible.

Once I got me food, I looked around for an empty table to sit at. No such luck. All the tables were full or had other people there. But I did notice a certain blond boy sitting at a table with my brother. I walked over.

"Mind if I sit here?" I asked politely.

Kyle turned around and grinned,"Sure."

I sat next to him. Lucas was giving me a strange look. He looked like maybe he recognized me. Then he grinned like an idiot.

"Kyle... since when did you have a girlfriend?" Lucas joked. Kyle turned the shade of a cherry. I suspected that I didn't look much different. In the meanwhile, Lucas was laughing hysterically.

"Uh," said Kyle,"Lucas this is Kelly, Kelly this is Lucas." We shook hands.

"And to clarify, I am not his girlfriend," I said. I looked at my brother. He dressed similarly to the night that I had last seen him. Now, though, I got a much better look. His eyes held a sort of pain that I had never seen before. I suspected that that was my fault. You should have tried harder to be with your family, I thought.

"Kelly is the new girl," said Kyle.

"Oh, so your the one who gave the English teacher a run for his money," joked Lucas. I snorted in response. All that had happened was that I had corrected the teacher's grammar. Apparently, it'd been big enough to spread like wildfire through the classes.

I gave him a cocky grin. I used to do this all the time. It usually displayed that I didn't care or that I was in big trouble. This time it was the first.


I finished out the last few periods without any problems. I had a bunch of fun getting back together with my brother and best friend. I missed so much. But all I had done to them was cause them pain. How would they feel if they knew I was alive? Would they be mad that I had stayed away or glad that I had returned? Would they feel bitter about my abandoning them? Or would they understand why I had left?

A/N- thank you soooo much for reading this story and I know it has been awhile since I've updated. I am sorry. I have been busy and cowriting a story called the Golden Deer. It is a Percy Jackson and the Olympians fanfiction. Go check it out. I write for Jewel.

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