Common Crooks

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It was the next night when things got interesting. I had yet again changed into my superhero outfit using my magic.  I ran away from the alley that I had spent the night in. The more distance I got from where I used my magic last, the longer I could avoid the Justice League. I stopped to catch my breath. Oh how I wish I could use the complete and raw power of magic to suit my lazy needs like hating to run.  I had unintentionally ran all the way to my old neighborhood, the one that I had visited two nights ago.

I walked out of a back alley that was near my house that I had run into. I didn't care if anyone saw me. So that no one thought that I was mentally insane, espescially because I was dressed like an idiot, I climbed a fire evacuation ladder to the top of the nearest apartment complex's roof. My eyes wandered over to my old home. Nothing abnormal appeared to be going on there.

I spoke too soon as I saw two tough looking men approach my house. I crouched as one looked my direction. The other kicked down the door.  Both of the crooks had guns. A pit of nervousness swelled up within me. How was I supposed to fight them without using my magic? My hand to hand combat wasn't as adept as it probably should be. Prepared or not, I knew I had to try.
I followed the crooks inside. Why not? They had forced the door open anyway. When I came in, they were holding my family at gunpoint. My brother, mother, father, and lifelong friend were facing the door I had entered. Lucky for me, the crooks weren't. I don't know why. Maybe they were new at this whole breaking and entering thing. Perhaps they didn't consider keeping a lookout for the cops or an oddly dressed teenager girl who could finish them in a second if she could only use her powers. Or maybe they were just that dumb.
I whistled to get their attention. They both looked at me with the stupidest looks of surprise ever.
"Yeah, hi. You want to leave peacefully or shall things get violent?" I said to their faces. They really didn't know what to do. Uh, boys? You know you fight back when your about to be taken in right, I thought.
Instead of fighting me, they placed a gun to my mom's temple. A lethal shot. Or you could do that, sure why not? I thought nervously. My mother began to sob. My father and brother looked like they wanted to fight the crooks themselves. I made eye contact with them and sent a slight don't you do it look.
"Move and we shoot the lady," one of the men asked.
"Oh, you guys really are amateurs at this, aren't you? You know that the guns are supposed to be trained on me, right?"
They hesitated. The overconfidence that I displayed made them uncomfortable. Then again, if they called my bluff... I'd have to use magic and go back to the League.
"Plus, you'll leave a bunch of blood at the scene of the crime. And then when Batman catches you, and he will catch you, you will go on trial as murderers," I said. If you want to tell a convincing lie than sprinkle some truth in it.
"And why should we listen to a pretty girl like you?" The other brute asked. Oh so now they decide to grow a brain! I thought, then added, even if they have to share it.
One ugly fool trained his handgun on me. The other kept his firmly pressed to my mother's temple.
"Back to captivity, I guess," I said as I began to glow a violent gold, "By the way, my name is Ankh."
I came up with that name on a dime. I kinda liked it. Ankh was the Egyptian symbol for life. Also, it is what Dr. Fate shoots around all the time.
I released an ankh shaped blast at the one holding my mother. He hit the wall and crumpled to the ground, unconscious. The other guy looked nervous. He seemed to have forgotten that he had a gun. He tried to run past me, but I hit him hard in the head. He too fell unconscious. A glow appeared behind me. I turned around to see none other than helmet face (aka Dr. Fate.) Though now I suppose that he was more of a really angry helmet face.

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