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I walked into the cave. First, Dr. Fate teleported us to h.q. (the public one) and then we took the zeta tube to the mountain. Why we didn't just teleport to the mountain, I don't know. He probably did it to prolong my suffering.
At first I didn't see anyone. Then they all came out of what I assumed was a training room. I took a head count. Miss Martian, Artemis, Superboy, Kid Flash, Aqualad, Robin, and Zatanna. And here I was, the rookie. I felt way out of my league.
"Hi," Miss Martian said, "I'm M'gahn, but you can call me Megan."
"Calista," I said in return.
"Hey Calista," Kid Flash said, trying to act smooth, "I'm Kid Flash."
"Unfortunately, I am well aware."
"I like you," Artemis said, looking some what impressed. Superboy just scoffed.
"I don't know. Looks pretty shifty to me," Robin joked.
"You had me until you said 'shifty'. If I were you I would have just left it at 'looks pretty'," I said, snark evident.
"Is that a threat?" Robin asked.
"Tell me after training," I said. Was it just me or did Superboy look impressed?
"Do you have any powers?" asked Zatanna. She and I watched as Fate left via zeta tube.
"The good doctor taught me some magic before he died," I said, "It's not much."
"You knew Kent Nelson?" asked K.F.
"Not well," was all I said.
"Why are you here? I mean it's not that I don't like it that you are here, but why?" Megan asked.
"Punishment. She left Fate's tower without the League's consent. She disobeyed orders," Robin said smugly.
"Don't you talk to Batman? I'll tell you what I told him, I didn't get orders. Besides, you would've done the same if you were in my shoes," I grouched.
As if Aqualad could tell I was tense, he said, "I'll show you to your room."
The room he showed me to was nothing extraordinary. Except the bed. It was much larger than the one I had at Fate's tower. The walls were gray. A small closet, which was fine by me, was at the back right hand corner. They left me alone to unpack. I put the clothes that I had brought into the closet on small hangers. I took a small framed picture of my family out and put it on my bedside table. I sighed. As I looked at it I felt tears rush to my eyes. No, I won't do it. I need to keep moving forward no matter how much I missed them.
I left my room. Not sure what to do, I went to the kitchen. I stopped just outside the door because I could hear voices on the inside. Voices that were talking about me.
"...she leave?" I heard Superboy ask. I didn't hear the last part.
"She has been in the Tower of Fate for three years. She probably just got bored," I heard Robin say. I walked in before anything else was said. They looked at me in surprise.
"I don't like it when people talk about behind my back," I snarled, "If you have any questions about me, than you can ask me to my face."
"Sorry! I just kinda figured you wouldn't want to talk about it," Megan said innocently. The fire died out in my eyes. I couldn't stay mad at her.
"Why'd you leave Fate's Tower?" Zatanna questioned.
"I spent three years without leaving it. Consistent years. I never left until like three days ago. Like Boy Blunder said, I got bored and wanted to see the world again."
"Why were you in the Tower in the first place?" asked Superboy.
Here comes the difficult part. It wasn't difficult to explain but rather it was difficult to talk about. That was the day my life had changed forever. The jury was still out on if the change was good or bad. I liked that Superboy didn't dance around the topic though. It hurt, yes, but it was more efficient than dancing around it. That only prolonged the inevitable. I admired his bluntness.
"I was walking home from my friend's place back in Gotham. These two gangs were fighting it out and I couldn't get home as fast as I'd have liked. So instead of taking a longer path around the fight, I just barely walked around the edges. A misfired bullet hit me in the stomach. By the time Fate had gotten there, I'd lost too much blood," I paused, remembering the pain, "So for some reason, Dr. Fate wanted to save me. He put his own power in me as I lost consciousness. When I woke up, everyone assumed me dead."
"I think I heard about that in the news. They said that there was a missing body," Robin said. I looked down glumly.
"If it's all the same with you guys, I am going to go hit something."
"Excellent timing," said an unfamiliar voice. I turned and saw the one and only Black Canary.

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