Training; A New Form of Punishment

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I walked behind the Team and Black Canary all the way to the training room. I was going to be trained by the Black Canary. She was only the greatest hand to hand combat specialist in the League.

"Fangirling much," Zatanna whispered.

"Don't tell me it's that obvious."

"You'd be able to tell from space," she concurred.

We arrived in the training room. I was amazed by what I saw. A high tech floor confirmed who won and who failed. Also, there was exercise equipment everywhere. When I saw this room, I knew I wouldn't last a week. I hated running, not to mention any and all forms of working out.

I watched as Canary easily took out Robin. She gestured to Superboy, letting him know it was his turn. Then it was Aqualad's and then M'gahn, Artemis, Zatanna, and Kid Flash's turn. Finally, and most unfortunately, it was my turn to face Black Canary.

I gulped. I'd watched everyone else get beaten and I knew I would be humiliated. Not to mention that I was not eager to face any sort of pain she might inflict on me, no matter how quick it would be. I walked nervously to the center of the high tech floor. Every instinct in my body told me to run the other way.

She got into a fighting stance. Not knowing what else to do, I mimicked her as best I could. She struck first. Kicking out, she almost hit my head. I rolled out of the way just in time. While she was off balance, I tried to sweep under her legs. The keyword is tried. She jumped out of the way before my legs could sweep under her. I got up from the crouched position I was in. She threw a punch that connected with my face before I could even think.

Staggering backward, I rubbed my jaw. Again, before I continued to fight, I felt Canary's foot connect with my stomach. It hit directly where the bullet did.

Anger roared within me. Rubbing where the wound was, I glared. Canary seemed taken aback at my sudden mood change. Channeling my fury, I managed to hit the still gawking Black Canary. She quickly countered and hit me back. She ended the fight by pinning me to the ground.

"Why are you suddenly so mad?" She questioned.

"You hit my scar," was all I could manage between a still stinging face and anger.

"What scar?" She asked, helping me to my feet.

"The bullet's scar."

I showed it to her. She looked at the small scar suspiciously. I understood why. It looked fatal and yet here I was.

"A scar like this would imply a fatal wound," she questioned. I could feel the Team's eyes on my back.

"Ask Fate. He was there," I said as I walked away.

Limping to my room, I closed the door behind me. Something that I hadn't wanted to do in front of everyone was cry. I wanted to cry because my memories had come back to me. My family on the day that I had left, my friend's face as she told me she'd see me tomorrow, and even Kyle's face as he promised me he had the best birthday gift now left me with emptiness. Sorrow was a feeling I tried to avoid.

But now, sitting my new room, I began to cry. I missed them. I just wanted my life back. They would never forgive me for leaving, though. They'd say I should've tried more.

"Calista?" M'gahn said, coming into my room. She too had tears in her eyes. I took my mask off to wipe away the tears in mine.

"Why are you so sad?" I asked gruffly, wanting to be alone.

"I'm a Martian. I can read minds. Do you want to talk?"

"If I wanted to talk, then I would've stayed out there."

She sat down on my bed, right next to me. She held my hand. She looked at me with pleading eyes. I caved.

"I miss them. I miss them so much," I said, knowing that she knew who. I began to sob. She pulled me into a hug.
She began to say comforting thoughts into my ear. While these did nothing to stop the sadness, it made me happy to know M'gahn was there for me. I was glad that she was there or I would've drowned in my own thoughts. At that moment, I considered her a friend. She was the first one I'd had in a long time.

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