20 Questions

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The next day I woke up sore and stiff. I sat up in bed and rubbed my jaw and stomach. Like that would somehow stop the pain. I quickly got dressed into black tights a baggy white shirt. As I brushed through the nots in my brown and gold-streaked hair, I remembered that I had another hard and grueling day of training to look forward to. Yay. My stomach growled. What time was it? I looked at my clock. 10:30! I slept in to 10:30! No wonder I was hungry. I allowed myself a small glimmer of hope that I'd missed my training.

I walked out of my room and went to the kitchen. The entire team was in there. They were laughing and talking and I wondered if I would ever fit in.

"Oh, so sleeping beauty awakens. How'd you sleep princess?" Wally (aka Kid Flash) taunted.

Too tired to snark back, I said, "Fine. Good morning, guys."

"Morning? It's practically the afternoon," said Robin.

"This is my first time actually being able to sleep in during the last three years. I don't want to hear it Boy Blunder."

The team laughed at my remark . It felt good to be considered funny. I could get used to this.

"When do we have training?" I said, hesitantly. I wasn't sure I wanted the answer.

"Later," said Aqualad. My hope died. Painfully.

"I am not looking forward to another beating today," I managed to groan. I got another round of laughs. "No seriously."

"You'll get used to it," said Artemis. No, I don't think I will.

"What do we do until Canary comes to whoop us?"

"Read, watch T.V, socialize. Whatever really. Unless, of course, we have a mission," said M'gahn.

"I pick option socialize. I spent the last three years reading and watching T.V." As I said this I grabbed a banana. Bananas were my favorite fruit. My brother used to call me his minion (like from Despicable Me).

"Well, okay. We could do a tour of the mountain since you're new here," Megan said.

"We could play a game," said Wally.

"Which game?" said Robin.

"How about 20 questions?" I suggested, already thinking of what I wanted them to guess.

"What's 20 questions?" Megan asked.

"A player thinks of an object and tells you where to begin guessing. Then the other players have to guess what he or she is thinking within 20 questions. It uses deductive reasoning," Artemis explained.

A few minutes later, we were all gathered in the living room. We had all agreed to use one category. That would make things simpler. The category was 'what is in my pocket'. We had all gone back to our rooms to grab something that would fit in our pockets.

We each took turns being the person who had the item in their pocket. Robin went first. It took all twenty questions to figure out he had a paper clip in his pocket (he had to tell us). Then Zatanna went. In ten guesses we found out she had a hair clip in her pocket. Aqualad went next. It took 15 questions to figure out that he had a piece of paper in his pocket. M'gahn went next. None of us could guess what she had in her pocket; she had a pen. Superboy had a coupon in his pocket that a salesman had given him a few days before. Wally had a small action figure in his pocket, which Robin guessed on the first try. In ten tries we managed to guess that Artemis had an arrow tip in her pocket. Finally, I got to have my fun.

"Is it made of paper?" asked Robin.

"Yes," I said.

"Does it have anything written on it?" asked Wally.


Questions continued like this. By the time they had used all twenty, the entire team was stumped. I reveled in the moment. Here was a brilliant science whiz (Kid Flash) and the apprentice of the best detective ever (Robin) and they had no idea what was in my pocket.

"All right, what is in your pocket?" asked Artemis.

"A Hobbit reference," I replied.

"What? No way," said Wally.

To prove it to him, I pulled out a piece of paper from my pocket. On it was written one of the riddles that Gollum had asked Bilbo. It even had the page number that I had found it on. Each member of the team took a look at it. Artemis grinned wildly, Aqualad, M'gahn, and Superboy looked confused, and Robin was laughing on the ground. Wally looked offended.

"Oh come on! Who reads anymore? How were we supposed to guess that in twenty questions?" he said. His outburst had gotten me on the ground with Robin. He was hilarious when he was mad.

A/N- thanks so much for reading this chapter. I am so sorry that it took this long for me to update. School has me just a bit overwhelmed. Thanks Again!

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