Chapter 9

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Bailie's P.O.V
Tessa WTF, why is she here. "What on earth are you doing here." Listen Bailie i'm really sorry i didn't know you and Hayes were like a thing." Tessa I  forgive you" she smiled and hugged me. Then Aaron came to the door "Bailie Hay-" he cut off his sentence there. "Who is this beautiful girl" he said looking at Tessa. Tessa just blushed. " Aaron meet Tessa,Tessa meet Aaron." They just kept flirting back and forth. "Well i'm gonna go find Hayes, bye tessa." Bye bailie." and then I left. I went to find Hayes. I found him in the kitchen, I decided to sneak up on him. I went behind him put my arms around his waist, I couldn't put my head on his shoulder because i'm short so i just hugged him. "I love you" he said to me "I love you" i said to him.

Allison's P.O.V
"Broski can you go get me a drink"   Lauren asked. "Sure" When i walked into the kitchen and saw Bailie and Hayes being adorbs. I went to go get my phone and Lauren and Aaron cause Tessa left. We all started taking pictures of them. They started kissing and we just kept taking pictures. "AWWWWWWW" Lauren and I said at the same time.  Bailie and Hayes turned around and blushed. "are bro is growing up so fast" i said to hayes. We all laughed. "Guys can I invite Calum over." Yeah but i have a date soon but you guys are welcome to stay here my dad is on a business meeting and won't be back till tomorrow night." bailie says. I'm inviting Michael over" screams Lauren from the kitchen.  After a couple minutes Calum and Michael get here. I kiss Calum and we make our way to the living room to watch our movie.

Hayes P.O.V
We are halfway through the movie and Bailie is so scared. She looks HOT when she looks scared. "Thanks Hayes" bailie says. " Did i say that out loud?." Yes" she giggles. I don't know what happen but Bailie is shaking of fear. "Babe you good." Yea i'm great." she lied. I pulled her closer to me and kissed her forehead. " I think you missed." she said mocking me from earlier." Sucks to be you." She just sat there and pouted like a 4 year old. "Awe is Princess Bailie okay." i said laughing. That must have made her mad cause she got out of my grip and scooted
closer to the other side of the couch. I scooted closer to her. " I'm sorry" Haha you actually thought i was mad." she stuck her tongue out. I kissed her when we pulled away I looked at time,6:00pm. Geez i looked at Bailie and she was starring at me. "What?" i asked her. " Nothing" Okay we should start getting ready" she nodded her head and walked upstairs and I walked to my house, and got ready.

Bailie's P.O.V
"ALLISON, LAUREN PEYTON COME HERE I NEED YOUR GUYS HELP" they came running in and looked at me weirdly. "What should I wear, Hayes said Casual" They picked out my outfit (picture on first page) and straightened my hair and put my white high-top converse on and looked at the time 6:57 Hayes should be here any moment. Just then the door bell went off. I walked to the door and opened it there stood Hayes. "Wow you look hot." he said i blushed. "You don't look to bad yourself " Do i need my penny board?" Yes" okay be right back." I went and grabbed my penny board and said bye to the girls and Aaron,Calum and Michael. After awhile we reached the beach and there was a blanket and a box sitting in the sand. Hayes went over and grabbed the small box and got on one knee....Pause The Telephone i'm only 15 I can't get married yet. "Bailie i know we haven't been dating that long but I Love You and I won't ever stop and one day I want to marry you and have kids and start a family, and No i'm not asking you to marry me but i want us to make a promise that all the stuff I just said will happen." By now I was crying. "Hayes I Love You and I will never stop." He started to put the ring on my finger, engraved in the ring was Bayes, I laughed thats our ship name all of our friend made up. After that we laid on the blanket and talked. And we started skating back and it was dark and I didn't see the big rock so I rode right into it and used my arm to stop my fall. It hurt so bad. Hayes ran to my side "Bailie are you okay?" No i think my arms broken" i said crying. "Okay lets get you to the hospital."  he said. He helped me up and put our boards in his back-pack and picked me up bridal style and carried me all the way to the hospital. Once we got there, they took me to get an x-ray. After that we waited for them to tell us the news. "Bailie?" the doctor said as i stood up. "Nice to see you again, anyways your arm is broken and you won't be playing volleyball." I sighed. "Thank you doctor" i said and they took me back to get a cast and stuff. As i walked out my phone got a text from an unknown number as i opened the message i saw it was from.....

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