Chapter 11

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Bailie's P.O.V
"Nonnie and Papa(thats what i call my grandparents) were in a car accident and they both died on the way to the hospital." my dad said to me. I broke down crying and ran up to my room and locked my door. I can't believe this they have been there for me for so long and now they are gone. I just sat on my bed crying my eyes out.

Hayes P.O.V
As soon as Bailie heard the news she broke down. I knew Lauren and Allison would be the only people she wants to talk to because they are her Best Friends I decided to call Allison and have them come over.

Phone Convo
A- Hey Hayes whats up
H- I need you guys to come over to Bailies, Nonnie and Papa died and shes a hot mess she broke down in tears and ran to her room.
A- we will be right over.
End of Convo
5 minutes Later
The door bell rung and Bailies dad when to go answer it. It was Allison and Lauren. They both hugged Mr.Cappelletty. And they both had tears running down their faces because Nonnie and Papa were like they grandparents too, Nonnie and Papa have known all of us since we were born because My parents and Bailies Dad worked together so they were friends. They both walked upstairs and I sat on the couch and tried to comfort Aaron and Peyton.

Bailie's P.O.V
I heard a knock on my door. "Who is it?" I said quietly. "Its Allison and Lauren please let us in." they sounded like they have been crying. I opened the door and as soon as we saw each other we hugged. "Why did this happen to them" I said while crying. We all just sat in my room crying. My dad came into the room and his eyes were red and puffy i got up and hugged him, "I'm so sorry Dad." Bailie its not your fault don't blame yourself you didn't do anything." he said. " I was coming to see if you were okay" Im okay dad ." He nodded and walked out of my room. " Do you guys wanna just sleep over since theres no more school for the rest of the week?" Yea." they responded. " Let me go tell Hayes its okay and that he should go home and get some rest." I said. I walked down stairs and saw Hayes sleeping on the couch I decided to just leave him there and I asked my dad if it was okay if Hayes slept over since he's sleeping on the couch. He said that it was fine. So I grabbed some blankets and covered him up. I went upstairs to my room and I could tell the girls were tired and so was I. I grabbed all of us some Pjs and we put in a movie and fell asleep.

Next Morning
I woke up to see it was 7:00 am and that the girls are still sleeping. I don't want to wake them up so i just go down stairs. I begin walking to the kitchen to get some water when someone grabs my waist from behind and whispers in my ear "Good Morning Beautiful." I knew it was Hayes. I turned around so I was facing him "Why are you up so early Hayes?" I don't know I couldn't sleep." Oh okay." I said. "I love you Bailie" I love you too Hayes." Then he leaned in and kissed me and I kissed back. Once we pulled away we walked into the living room and snuggled on the couch and watched TV. And we both fell asleep.
I woke up again around 10:00 and Hayes was starring at me. "What?" I asked him. "Nothing your just really cute when your sleeping." I just blushed and kissed him. "I'm gonna go see if the girls are awake." Okay." I walked upstairs to see the girls awake. "Good Morning sunshines." I said jokingly. They mumbled back a morning. " I came up here to see if you guys wanted to go to Starbucks but I see you guys are too tired. "I'M UP" they both screamed. "I knew that would work, we have to get dressed, do you guys need to borrow some of my clothes?" Yea." They answered. I gave them clothes ( on the first page.) and they helped me straighten my hair cause its harder then it looks when you have a broken arm. They also helped me with my make-up. It was 11 when we were all ready. We walked down stairs and saw Aaron and Hayes talking. Peyton must be asleep, she sleeps in late a lot. "Hey boys we are going to Starbucks see ya in a bit." WAIT BAILIE." Hayes practically screamed. " What Hayes?" I just wanted to say I love you." I love you too." Then we walked out the door to Starbucks. Once we got there we ordered our drinks and sat down and talked about memories with Nonnie and Papa. "Remember when we were 5 and they took us to the zoo. and we got lost." Yes that was fun." After talking we decided to leave when we were walking out I bumped into this girl. "OMG im so sorry." Its fine." i'm Bailie and these are my friends Allison and Lauren." i'm Kassidy." she answered we talked for a little bit and swapped number and then we were on our way. "Do you guys wanna come back to my house?" Yes please" they answered. When we got to my house I noticed a car I never seen before. "Hayes texted me he went home but he told your dad we went out." Okay " I walked inside to see my Aunt sitting there. " Hi Aunt Becky, how have you been?" Good Bailie how have you been? Good other than what happened last night." I know its hard but we can get through this." Are you taking Peyton and Aaron home after the funeral? Thats actually what im here to talk about." Why don't you all have a seat." my dad said. I looked at the girls confused. Me, Allison,Lauren, Peyton and Aaron sat on the couch and waited for my Aunt to explain what is happening. " Okay so you know how I was looking for a job, well I found one b-" she got cut off by Aaron before she could finish. " Mom thats amazing so when are we going back to Cali ( we live in North Carolina) I can't wait to see all of my friends." Thats the thing Aaron my job isn't in Cali its in Australia.' WHAT mom i'm not moving I can't leave all of my friends and I will barley ever see Bailie, Allison and Lauren." said Peyton. " NO WAY IN HELL I'M MOIVING TO AUSTRALIA." screamed Aaron. "Listen to me please, you guys can't come with me to Australia. So you guys will be living with Uncle Rocky and Bailie."said my aunt. I'm so happy to have Peyton and Aaron are gonna be living with me this is gonna be the best thing ever but I can tell they are sad because they don't wanna leave their mom. "Aunt Becky will we ever see you?" Yes I will be home for holidays and sometimes I get weeks off so I can come see you guys." Mom when do you leave" asked Peyton. " A couple days after Nonnie and Papa's funeral." oh." I decided to leave them to talk and stuff so I went into the kitchen and Allison and Lauren followed me. " Do you wanna come to our house?" Sure let me ask my Dad." I said and I walked out of the kitchen to go find my dad. " Hey dad can I go over to Allison and Laurens ?"Yea i'll text u when you need to come home." Okay."love you see you later." Bye love you too." I said as we walked out the door. Then I asked a weird question. " I'm not saying it won't but if things with Hayes and I don't ever work out would we still be best friends?" Bailie of course" they both said. "and I have a feeling you and Hayes will get married, I can tell you guys really love each other." Allison said. " I have a feeling you and Calum will get married, you guys have practically been together since first grade." we all laughed, because Allison and Calum were in first grade when they started dating, I know this because I was standing right by Allison when it happened. He just came up to her and said Will you be my girlfriend, it was so cute. We finally reached the house and saw Hayes on the couch with his friends. They didn't even notice us walk in or upstair they were to focused on football. We walked into Lauren and Allisons room and talked. "Idk what i'm going to do without Nonnie and Papa."Bailie you will get through it we're here for you." You guys are the best." I said while giving them a hug."  We mostly just sat around talked. "I'm starving." Same" Lets go downstairs and get some food." Yes please" we all giggled and walked downstairs. Hayes and the guys weren't in the living room. We walked into the kitchen and there they were. " When did you guys here?" Hayes asked. "When you guys were watching football." Oh."  We gathered food and went upstairs. And sat ate and decided to watch a scary movie and we invited Calum and Michael over since Hayes was with his friends I guess i'm gonna be a loner lol.  We waited for the guys to get here and 10 minutes later they arrived. We decided to watch the movie in the living room cause Hayes was downstairs with his friends. I didn't want to bother him. Allison and Calum were cuddling on one side of the couch and Lauren and Michael were cuddling on the other side. I just sat in the chair and played the movie. It was about half way through the movie and Michael and Calum have screamed like girls the entire time, Allison, Lauren and I just sat there laughing at them. We heard footsteps coming up the stairs and then a bunch of boys came into the living room and sat down and started watching the movie with us. Hayes came in front of me and just stood there "Excuse me Sir but you are blocking the movie." Excuse me Miss but can u please stand up for a second." he said. So I stood up and moved a little bit from the chair and next thing i know is Hayes stole my seat. "Hayes but i was sitting there" I said whining like a 4-year old. "You can sit on my lap." Ugh Fine." I said and then I sat on his lap. "You know you weigh like 4 pounds right." I'm not that light." Yes you are I can probably lift you up with one arm ." Yea sure." Bailie?" Yes Hayes" Can we hang out tomorrow like just me and you."  Yes I would love that but what time and casual?" How about 12:00 and yes casual." Okay." We went back to watching the movie when my phone beeped it was my dad saying he wants me home. "Hey guys my dad wants me to come home I will talk to you guys later." Okay Bye Bay." they all said. Hayes walked me to the door and kissed me. "I Love You Bailie" I Love You Too Hayes." See ya tomorrow." Yup."

At home
I was in my room listening to California and I heard a knock. "Come in" it was my dad and he looked angry and sad oh no. "Bailie its your mom she......

A/N sorry i haven't updated in awhile i will try and update more i have volleyball games on Saturdays and sometimes Sundays but i will try my hardest to update more.

please follow my instagram account ben.hayes.g

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