USUK (Smut)

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((Highschool AU. Expect a punk/sassy as fuck Arthur...))

Alfred had simply back talked to Ivan. Which resulted in a fist fight... But no... Oh no. The teacher only sees Alfred hitting Ivan, not Ivan beating him to the ground a few seconds before they walked in.

Landing him in detention. Only a few idiots ended up here, to Alfred's luck his parents weren't too upset or disappointed. They knew about Ivan and Alfred getting into fights. But no matter what Alfred did? He was always the vict-

"This is bullshit! That wanker sat in my spot! I had every right to yell at him!" A British boy snaps angrily. The principal and school sheriff dragging him in.

"Just be quiet, Arthur. Alfred? Why are in detention?" The principal asks, having the sheriff push Arthur into a seat a few away from his own.

"Braginski..." Alfred sighs.

The principal nods with a slight frown and looks back to the schools "badass". Arthur was usually in here. Mainly for sassing and shit talking a few people.

"Until your parents get here? You arentgoing anywhere, Kirkland. So get comfy... You know... You should be more like Alfred! He's on an honor roll and has the teachers respect." The sheriff says stiffly.

Alfred stares at the small scene, but the sheriff leaves to go patrol the school grounds for any couples breaking the rules.

At the front of the room is the principal, then Alfred who is doing his math homework, and Arthur in the back corner with his feet on the table as he gives a glare towards the principal.

Almost twenty minutes pass before the principals walkie-talkie goes off with the sheriffs voice. He turns it up and listens to what the man has to say.

"We have a couple of love birds in classroom 241, it's Khøler and Bondevik... Again..." The voice says through the small machine.

"Alright... I'll be right there." The principal nods and gets up.

"You two stat here, or it's more time." He says once before leaving and shutting the door.

A few awkward seconds of silence go by before a chair squeak is heard. Arthur walks towards the door and locks it then props a chair against it to block it.

"So... You're Mr. Perfect huh? Tch. Stupid and an innocent brat..." The Brit chuckles.

"What the hell? Why did you lock the door? Why are you... I have personal space..." Alfred leans back as Arthur leans close.

"I know. You should know my type... I like the innocent type. Since you're probably going to date me." Arthur plays with Alfred's hand.

The American yanks his hand away quickly and stares in shock. What the hell is wrong with this guy? Alfred has only talked to him twice, though the first time was in kindergarten when Arthur took Alfreds painting of the American flag and ripped it up because it wasn't real art...

"I'm not gonna date you... Dude... Aren't you dating Francis Bonnefey? What the fuck are you doing?!" Alfred yelps at the hand on his thigh.

"He doesn't have to know..." Arthur leans closer to Alfred's face.

"Like fuck we're going to hook up you idiot! Besides... I would never be some side fuck." Alfred huffs and shoves the Brit away from him.

Arthur sighs and takes a step back towards him. Honestly, he knows Francis won't keep his own dick in his pants for Arthur's sake. So revenge doesn't seem like a bad option.

The British boy sits on the table, in front of his soon to be boyfriend. Arthurs smirk and laugh gets the blue eyes to look back at him once more.

"I'll make you a deal! You do it with me once, if you like it or if you don't like it? We'll go from there! And then I'll get Braginski to piss off for the rest of high school. Deal?" Arthur shrugs with his smirk clear on his face.

Alfred bites his lip. Does he really want to lose his virginity to this prick? Just so his worst nightmare will leave him alone for the rest of high school? It does sound good to him... But... He doesn't want to be ass ripped in school...

With a sigh, Alfred slowly gives a small nod... Ivan has been after him since Alfred and his parents became business rivals.

"Wonderful!" Arthur claps his hands together with a smile.

"But... Here? Am I gonna have trouble sitting?" Alfred asks quietly.

"Yes. Here. Why would you have trouble sitting? Oh... Oh no... You're going to be on top. I want to watch your innocent act fade as you get overwhelmed by this." The Brit smiles, unbuttoning his pants and taking off his jacket and shirt.

Alfred slowly and awkwardly follows the others lead. He cautiously strips himself, looking around the room for camera's or someone watching them.

"Wait... Why am I doing thi-" Alfred starts to question but Arthur presses his lips against his own.

"Because, you know best." Arthur smirks and runs a finger down Alfred's body.

"Hurry... Or someone will see..." He adds on.

The American watches as Arthur bends over the table, his green eyes look back to him with a dark lust. Alfred slowly grabs the others hips, awkwardly positioning himself before entering.

"Shouldn't... Shouldn't I have a condom on?" He asks the smaller male. Who just sighs and pushes his hips back sharply.

Both of their moan ring out in the empty classroom. The slight echo in the room making it more noisy.

In no time the room is filled with more moans and groans of pleasure and each others names. Every now and then the table makes a creak or slams into the wall. With every thrust Alfred puts in.

"Har-Harder!" Arthur shouts, in which Alfred has absolutely no hesitation to give him what he asks for.

With out a doubt they're heard in the hall way, the only problem is they can't hear the door being unlocked. Luckily the chair stops the entering.

"F-Fuck! Arth-Arthur!" Alfred moans loudly.

"Ah! Oh god! Hit th-there!" The Brit begs as his knees slightly go weak.

Alfred thrusts himself into the same spot, only deeper. Much to Arthur's pleasure and Alfred's. The two begin to pant louder and give desperate sounds as they reach their climax.

Arthur hits his first. Releasing all over the table and with a loud yell.

But before Alfred can get his release...

"Oh my god... Wake the hell up! Are you touching yourself?! Ew!"

Alfred shoots up, sitting straight up in his bed as he releases underneath the cover with a loud groan of Arthur's name.

"Holy maple... You're hot for Arthur?!" Matthew stands in the door way with a look of disgust and surprise.

"S-Shut up!" Alfred screams at his brother.

Matthew just laughs and leaves the room. The American calms himself and checks himself under the covers. With a sigh he hangs his head down.

"It was just a dream...? No wonder..." Alfred sighs.





- Hetalia_Prussia))

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