RusAme (Smut)

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((This... Is my OTP. I am a slut for RusAme.))

((This will be a wierd tense change. Like past tense and present tense.))

"We want you two to have a strong relationship. We understand the issues in the past... But... We know that this willl be a good change. A good alliance. Make it happen."

That's what America's boss and Russia's boss told them. Basically they had told the two nations to get married.

America couldn't stand the idea, Russia loathed it. They assumed... They assume that they would forever be frienemies.

"Fuck! Ah... Ah... I-Ivan!"

But they needed to make it happen. No trust, love, or sympathetic feeling was even discussed.

They had to be married by the next day, act in love, and pretend like they didn't want to kill each other.

"You're... So fucking-Ngh!-tight!"

So they did it. They got married the next day, proved their love, and tricked themselves. The honeymoon was nice, a small beach house for the two.

"Harder! Fuck me harder, Ivan!"

They had so much on their chests and minds... They found a better way to get it out. Other than an actual discussion...


The bed creaked with every thrust Russia gave, some were harder thn others or even faster but America could care less. They had been so stressed and angry yet now they felt nothing but pleasure.

Ivan grabbed Alfred hips tighter. He would pull the American back into his hips as his hips slammed into Alfred's ass.

Occasionally moans and grunts with a few shouts of pleasure ring throughout the room as Alfred had his ass pounded into. Ivan's cock was ramming into the other man, he wanted more with every thrust and moan.

"Oh god... Fuck! Ivan! Th-There! Hit there~!" Alfred shouted as Ivan hit his prostate.

Alfred bit the pillow when Ivan did as he asked. Ivan was growing a little tired of the position but it felt too good at the moment to do anything. He wanted to be closer to Alfred, he wanted the American to give him lustful looks and moans.

Not that he wasn't happy with what he had right now. This was alright to him... But like anyone else... He wanted more. So much more.

"Ah-Alfred! You feel so good!" Ivan whispered as Alfred pushed his hips back sharply.

"I-I need more... Please Ivan!" The American shouted, he was desperate for an orgasm.

Ivan nodded and flipped the other over, laying Alfred on his back, he leaned towards him and kissed him gently but sloppy. He couldn't hold back any longer.

If the bed had to break for this... It had to break. Alfred was practically a moaning mess while Ivan was a horny-driven mind.

Alfred could feel his legs and stomach tighten at the feeling, he was getting very close, he wanted it so badly. Ivan of course knew that Alfred was about to cum, he could see the look on his face and feel Alfred tightening around his cock.

"I'm... I'm! Gonna..." Alfred whimpered.

"I know... Fuck! Ngh!" The Russian grunted loudly as he came inside of Alfred.

To Alfred it was a final push to make him cum as well. The two slowly come to a stop when their orgasms fade away.

Ivan leans down and licks away Alfred's mess, only making Alfred whine.

"Ivan...?" He said quietly with an arm out.

Ivan layed next to Alfred and cuddled into his arms. They stayed silent for a while before a crack of thunder caused Alfred to flinch.

"Hm... Do not worry. I will protect you...I love you..." Ivan cooed softly.

"Bitch please. I love you more."

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