GerItaPan (Smut)

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Japan sat awake. His eyes were stating at the ceiling in horror and his hand were laying over his stomach. It was 1:46AM and Japan couldn't even shut his eyes without his mind being flooded with images.

He was sleeping just fine a little while ago. But a shout of pleasure and a constant pounding, from the room next to his made his sleep end in an instant.

With Italy's continuous moaning and shouting of Germany's name, and the German powerhousing the fuck out of the poor Italian? The Japanese man had no choice, but to try to drown it out.

It seemed as if hours had passed before it became quiet again. Japan sighed of relief and shut his eyes with a relaxing smile.

"Fuck! Harde- There! Fuck! Yes!"

Japan's eyes snapped wide open again, he could feel the tears of exhaustion start to form as he sat up sharply.

He couldn't take it anymore. They had work to do tomorrow. A meeting. They each had things to do!

He got up quickly from his bed and opened the hotel door, to the hallway and turned to another door; slamming his fist on the door angrily.

It took a lot to piss him off, but the old nation liked his sleep. He liked his quiet time and personal space.

A few thuds and muffled curse words were heard before Germany opened the door. His hair was a mess, he was only in pajama pants, and his breathing was a bit off.

"Hello Japan, can I help you?" He asked calmly, trying to snooth his hair back.

"Yes. You can. Can you and Italy please keep it down or move the bed away from the wall? It's irritating to hear." Japan said directly.

"It sure isn't irritating to feel... Heh..." Germany attempted at a lighthearted joke.

Japan remained without emotion. Not amused.

"I would bet." Japan stated with monotone.

"Who is it?" Italy called from the bed, probably jerking off I don't fucking know guys, it's late and I'm lazy as fuck.

"Japan." Germany opened the door a bit more so Italy could see.

"Oh! Hi! How are you?" The small man smiled and waved.

"Tired." Japan sighed.

"I'm not!" Italy giggled slightly. Recalling his previous activity.

"I have no doubt on that." Japan frowned, just like this author he was fucking tired but who gives a fuck when there's gay ships to write.

"Would you like to join us? I heard your people are really kinky!" Italy smiled excitedly.

Germany looked to Japan quickly, a bit of a nervous blush appeared on his face.

"I'm so sorry about hi-"

"Yes. Since you offered."

Germany stared in even more surprise, but he still noved so Japan could enter the room.

"Yay! A three-some!" Italy clapped.

Germany shut the door and locked it, he glanced to Japan as he undressed slowly. Removing his robe or whatever the fuck he's wearing I guess. Fuck it.

Japan could barely make out the two on the bed, already hearing Italy give soft moans to Germany's touch.

An arm pulled him into someone's lap and a mouth latched on to his collarbone.

Japan ran his fingers through the mans hair, not knowing who was currently leaving small marks on his torso.

He moved his hand back and wrapped his fingers around what he hoped to be someone's dick. Otherwise that'd be awkward as fuck to be jerking someone's fingers or something like that.

A grunt and a shudder cane from whoever he was gripping. He lifted his hips and moved back to slowly push it inside of himself.

The Japanese man had to bite his lip harshly to keep from letting out a shriek. It was painful to put it in, but hopefully later when it was moving it would feel better.

Japan felt a tightening feeling move from the tip of his dick down, he was now in the middle of the two and felt himself be pulled on top of the person he was inside of.

"Please move, Japan..." Italy whispered, so that's who he's inside yay.

He pressed back against Germany and pressed into Italy, causing all three to gasp and take a few seconds to adjust.

Within a few minutes they had each adjusted to the feelings, for the most part, and had a slow movement building up to more.

It was slow but none of them minded. The process took a little while but at last a few moans and sighs were heard in the room.

Japan felt a little intrusive for just jumping in, but hey... Someone fucking requested this so suck it up and suck dick.

The trio each knew they were getting closer at some point, Japan was the first one to release. Then Germany and lastly Italy.

It was slow and plain. Pretty dull. But shut the fuck up because what else do you expect?

Wow. Thus was half assed but so is my life guys.

 Thus was half assed but so is my life guys

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