TurkIce (Fluff)

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Emil had two brothers, named Lukas and Berwald, Emil was the youngest and Berwald the oldest. That left Lukas to be the middle child.

Time soon brought another man to Lukas. This man was small and very shy at first, unlike his tall and loud brother, but they soon earned respect and later on affectionate feelings from Lukas.

The small and shy man had the name Tino, while his brother was called Matthias. Emil wasn't sure if they were full brothers, due to different features and habits.

Yet Lukas and Tino soon found themselves walking down the aisle together and exchanging vows. Then off on a honey moon.

Though at the small party after their wedding, Emil had seen a man across the room from him. A tall, tan, smiling man with a heavy Mediterranean vibe.

It turned out that Berwald and the man were very old friends. The Mediterranean man was Sadık Adnan.

Berwald had introduced the two of them, and left them to talk themselves. Emil would admit that he had snuck a couple drinks in when his brothers weren't looking. But hey, he was being supervised so he should be fine.

Though, it never occurred to him that he was a lightweight... And that maybe he had a bit to much...

From his perspective he was being polite and cute.

From Sadık's perspective? A small Icelander who was wobbling and slurring pick-up lines.

Sadık only smiled and gave soft laughs towards the drunk Emil. Emil soon broke into fits of laughter, which was completely hilarious to the Turkish man.

Emil couldn't get a sentence out, before his giggles turned into loud laughing and wheezing.

All the Turk could manage to do was smile and rub the poor lightweight's back.

The party had started to end as people began leaving; however, Emil didn't want to lose the man he just spent two drunk hours with. He knew that alcohol could make you feel funny, but it didn't make your heart feel fuzzy and cause you to to blush at every single smile.

Before Emil could even ask the man for his phone number or anything, it went black.

And when he woke up, he could've sworn that there was a wasp nest in his head. The Icelander has gotten up and heard a soft sound as a small piece of paper hit the floor. But all that mattered to him was finding an aspirin.

Emil had recovered from his first hangover slowly, yet he couldn't remember something important...

His head still gave a slight ache as he thought hard on what he was forgetting.

The thought never came.

If he couldn't remember?
It wasn't that important.

He went on with his life. Meeting new people and still hiding a little bit in his shell.

Yet with every person he met... Something felt empty.

Something missing.

He tried to ignore it, but anyone he thought he liked or wanted to go on a date with? Lacked something important to him.

And he could never place his finger on it.

Days passed.
Weeks passed.
Months passed.

Tino and Lukas invited everyone over for dinner.

Tino was known for liking larger crowds, while Lukas preferred a shut in group, yet Tino won and the date was set.

It was their one year anniversary.

Many showed up to congratulate the two of them and see how things were going.

Emil stood awkwardly in the kitchen, mostly everybody was out in the main room or outside chatting.

He didn't know anyone too well. He knew Lukas, Tino, Matthias, Berwald, and some other random guy with glasses who is trying a bit too hard to be their friend in Emil's opinion.

Emil looked at the cup in his hand, glancing around to check that his brothers weren't watching him.

He quickly filled it half way up with the nearest beer he could find.

"Don't tell me you're gonna get shitfaced like the first time we met," a soft laugh came from behind him.

Emil spun around and dropped his cup in shock. His eyes scanned the tall, tan, and Mediterranean looking male.

The thought suddenly came back.

Sadık Adnan.

"I... Uh... Hi..." Emil went down to pick up his cup and grabbed a rag, to clean up the spilled beverage.

"It's been over a year since I saw you," Sadık chuckled, squatting down to help dry up the alcohol.

"Yeah it has..." Emil whispered as he remembered that night.

"I was a little surprised and hurt that you didn't call me," The Turk half smiled at Emil.

"Call you? I never had your number," the Icelander said in defense.

"What? I wrote it on a piece of paper," he responded calmly, "I put it on your chest when you were sleeping. Berwald and I brought you home,"

Emil froze.

He remembered that morning.

Something fell and hit the floor.

It was currently lying underneath his bed.

"I... I am so sorry! I must've dropped it!" Emil rubbed his face.

"Don't worry about it," Sadık chuckled.

He put the wet towels in the trash can and turned back to the Icelander.

"So, how've you been?"

And the night went on. This time Emil wasn't drunk, and the same feeling came back.

The one thing all the others he met were lacking was so simple.

They weren't him.

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