HRE x N. Italy (Fluff)

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(( I'll be changing the cover soon. ))

The two ran in circles, laughing at their game of tag. Italy glanced behind himself to see the blonde smiling; he was quickly catching up to him and would tag him soon.

He let out a small giggle as the small hand touched his shoulder. They both slowly came to a stop, and turned to each other.

"Do you want to play a new game?" The Germanic asked.

The small nation of Italy smiled and nodded his head excitedly.

"I love to play games! What game do you want to play?" Italy smiled excitedly.

"Hm... How about hide and seek?" The Holy Roman Empire suggested a bit hesitant.

"I love that game! Do you want to hide first?"

"Sure! Now close your eyes! No cheating, Italy!" He smiled and turned the Italian in the opposite direction he was going to hide in.

"Alright! One... Two... Three..." Italy slowly counted, smiling in anticipation.

Holy Rome turned and rushed off to hide somewhere.

"You'll have to look really hard to find me!" He called to the counting Italian -- Whom giggled in return.

"I'll still find you!"

"Hopefully you will this time!"

The Italian reached ten, and then turned around. He giddily went in the direction he thought Holy Rome went in. Italy looked all over. He couldn't seem to hear him, or even have an idea where his friend was hiding.

Minutes passed.

Hours passed.

Still nothing.

"It's getting dark out! I give up!" Italy called out.

No response.

"Italy, come inside. It's time to go to bed!" Hungary shouted gently from the house.

Italy looked around one last time, he started to slowly walk towards the house. His auburn eyes were looking around even slower.

"Holy Rome? We have to go inside. We can play tomorrow! Come out now!" The Italian called one last time as he reached the front door.

"Italy? Who are you talking to?" Hungary asked, drying a plate in her hands.

"My friend... Holy Rome?"

"Italy... We've been over this... You're too old for imaginary friends... Austria will be upset if he hears that from you again." Hungary shakes her head. She went back inside the house.

"But... He's real... I know he is!"

"He isn't... He isn't, Italy..."

"I know he i-"

"Stop it. You just need to make other friends."

"... He's real..."

"Go to bed, Italy. Don't let Austria hear you talking about your friend again."

The Italian slumped upstairs and into his small bedroom, he shut the door quietly. Laying on his bed, he stared at the ceiling; shutting his eyes and dreaming of the empire's lovely blue eyes again.


"When are you going to tell him...?" Hungary whispered to the brunette next to her.

"Never. It would shatter him."

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