Oh... Welllllllll~

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Hey so I know that some of you are upset about a few of your ships being... Messed with when I write them.

Because the one who requested it, AHEM, did not follow the rules...

There is a loop hole!!!!

Let's say that someone requested....


PruAus in the wrong chapter/didn't say fluff or smut/broke one of the rules!

Well... I won't redo Prussia x Austria.


I never said I won't do Austria x Prussia.

You catch the drift here???
If you just... Switch the order/roles???

I can't say no because it is technically a "different" pair/ship.

Request it:

On the first chapter.
Only one.
Smut or Fluff.

And I will do it.

Except HongIce/IceHong.
I refuse to do that.
That ship is torture to me...

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