Germancest (Fluff)

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((This song again))

The planes were firing bullets at the speed of light, at the Allies planes that dared to come closer to Berlin.

Italy was forced to surrender, they were already apologizing and kissing the Allies asses.

Japan was still standing strong, he wasn't going to lose after all he had won.

Germany was fighting his last battle of the war, as he knew it.

Prussia was fighting his last battle as well.

The two brothers hid behind the demolished concrete wall, barely hiding their legs but their uniforms helped the blend it.

Bullets whirred by their heads and into the German soldiers who were getting up. The war was being lost on their part.

Germany was ready to get up and fire another round at the blonde Brit; he was waiting for the two to come out so he could personally take them down.

The blonde started ti quickly move up, but the machine gun in the British mans hands went off. Germany flug back down.

"Bruder, we need to get out of here! I'll distract him and yo-"

"Give up."

"What...?" Germany asked in partial shock.

"Give. Up." Prussia frowned, his eyes were locked on the piles of dead soldiers and the continuing bodies that piled up further back.

"Come out now!" England shouted angrily.

Germany nervously looked to his brother, the shock and horror in his older brothers eyes.

"We can pull through this!" Germany shook his head at his brothers ignorance.

"... I thought that once... And I lost the greatest man I'll ever meet... Bruder... Please... I can't lose you over something like this... You're low on men, supplies, support, weapons, and... Just open your eyes... Please... I won't lose you like I did Old Fritz... I'm tired of fighting a battle that I've already lost..." Prussia said and stood.

The Prussian dropped his gun, putting his hands above his head and walking out to see the Brit smiling triumphantly.

"Germany. Did you not hear your orders?" Prussia asked, still facing England.

Germany slowly stood and looked to him, his hand dropped the gun hesitantly.

"This is wonderful! I'll radio the others and we'll wrap this up!" England nodded and signaled the two to follow him.

Prussia didn't budge.

Germany and England stopped and looked to him, the debris stopped moving and the wind stopped.

Everything seemed to have froze.

France and America emerged from the side of England, follwed by Hungary and Austria. Each noticed the eerie feelings that was hanging over their heads.

"Prussia? Come on, dude let's go. This is really creepy..." America spoke quietly. His voice seemed to echo

"Germany...? Austria...? Hungary...?" Prussia asked.

The three looked to him and watched him carefully.

"My time is up."

The wind picked up violently, the Prussian seemed to glow. Though the glow seemed to be slowly moving on the direction of the wind.

Each nation watched as the Prussians' glow blew away with the wind, debris was blocking their view of him. But the glow continued to swiftly swirl away in a gentle pattern.

The debris stopped and revealed the Prussian was no longer there.

Each stared in shock, confusion, and in complete horror.

"Ich liebe dich, bruder

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"Ich liebe dich, bruder."

The German said as he closed the photo album, the memory of his last encounter with his brother caused a tear to slide down his cheek, and on to the cover of the book.

Right next to other many tear stains.

Each anniversary was the same.

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