Eyebrows (Part One)

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Kill me right fucking now... I've sinned so badly...

Erwins eyebrows had left Erwin earlier in the week, they had felt as if they were in the way of his bright future... They loved him but... They needed to let him be happy. They had traveled far and wide to find a suitable man, to love them and take pride in them. Luckily they had eventually found a man sitting at a park; reading a newspaper while sipping from a tea cup. They had crawled up the mans body and stopped when they saw a pair of eyebrows already at rest.

"Who are you?" They asked each other in sync.

"We came from a man, he needed to be free... You are... Beautiful..." Erwins eyebrows spoke softly to the British eyebrows.

The British mans eyebrow blushed lightly at the flattering compliment.

"We've been thinking of leaving Arthur as well... All of his lovers were turned off by us... He would find love without us..." Arthur's eyebrows trailed off. Arthur and them had been through so much together...

"Come with us... Be with us..." Erwin's brows smiled.

The Brit's eyebrows stared in surprise, yet nodded anyway. They removed themselves from the mans face and took ahold of the other eyebrows.

They touched, and knew instantly that they were meant to be... It was fate... They were in love... But little did they know... Erwin was going to do anything he could to have his eyebrows back... Even if it meant killing Arthur's eyebrows...

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