Chapter 2

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Previously on Missing Love...... "So have you told Casey, and what is that cut on your face?" I ask looking over at Casey. "I was about to..." Gabby doesn't finish her sentence and looks really pale. "You okay? sit down drink some water" I say handing her water, then all of a sudden she passes out and I hear Matt scream "Gabby!!" 

Back of the Ambo with Matt and Brett, Severide driving 

 All I can remember is Matt screaming my name and hitting the pavement really hard. Now I can hear this beeping noise, it must just be the monitor. I feel someone holding my hand; it must be Matt. I wish I could tell him I'll be alright, just I can't open my eyes or move my mouth it's weird. I hear lots of sirens, Sean and Kim are probably in front of us leading the way and being the escort. 

Matt's POV 

When I saw Gabby hit the pavement, she is my friend and she doesn't know it but I never stopped loving her. I rushed over to her side, Brett was hooking her up to a machine. I was so worried and all I could do was hold her hand and be there for her. She never got to tell me what she wanted to tell me, I hope she makes it, or I'll never know and I would never move on. All of sudden Gabby squeezes my hand a little harder and I squeeze it back letting her know I'm here for her and I won't leave her side. We pull up to the hospital and i never loose my grip. Brett tells the doctors her status and the reel her in trauma 2. They won't let me go any further so now I just have to wait and see. Its getting pretty late, maybe I could take a nap for I won't worry so much. 

"Family of Ms. Dawson" a doctor yelled. "That is me" I said. " Ms. Dawson got a severe concussion when she fell and we had to do emergency surgery. You may go visit her in room 202." the doctor said. I walked in the room and she got all frantic. "Get this guy out!!!!! He is a stranger!!!!!! I don't know you please just please leave!!!!" She screamed at me. " I ran out to the doctor nearly in tears and asked him what he did wrong I was furious. Then an alarm went off and it said crashing room 202. "Go back to the waiting room." the doctor yelled running to Gabby's room. I was so worried. 10 minutes later the doctor came over to me. "Sadly Ms. Dawson didn't make it there was a bleeding in her brain. I'm sorry for your lost." " Oh my gosh Gabby is gone what am I going to do with my life."

 All of a sudden I feel someone tapping  my shoulder and saying "Mr. Casey? Mr.Casey wake up its just a dream."  I startle as I'm awoken by a doctor. Tears in my eyes from the dream my vision was blurry. "Ms. Dawson is asking for you she is going to be alright." " Huh, wait what, sorry bad dream; what room is she in?" I ask. "Room 624 sir she had surgery, also we ran some test I'll let her tell you the rest." "Okay thank you." I say walking to the elevator. I hit floor six and it stops on level 4, a man walks in and starts screaming "I am a dad I am a dad I have a son now!!!!!!" "Congrats, I'll know how that feels soon hopefully." I say generously. "Best feeling eve you'll know what I mean soon enough you seem like a great guy." he says. "Thank you well this is my floor have a nice day." "You too" he said as the elevator door closed. 

I rushed over to Gabby's room I had to tell her I still loved her and I always had. I walk in and she is sleeping a go by her bedside and grab her hand. I told her I have always loved her and I will never stop. Her eyes start to flutter and then she says " Good so you'll will stay with me and the baby!" she says with her eyes closed. "Matt I'm pregnant!!!" she says while opening her eyes. "Gabby thats awesome!!" I lean down and kiss her. " She pulls back and says " This is why I was at your apartment and I'm back on ambo. I didn't want to risk the babies life." she says tearing up. I wipe the tear away and kiss her head, "Its alright I'm goon be by your side, will you be my girlfriend again?" he asks squeezing her hand. " There is no reason I would say no Matt I love you" she says." Is anyone here from 51?" she asks. " No they were sent to a pretty bad high rise hopefully no one gets hurt." I say. "Come here" she says and scoots over for me to sit on the bed with her and I wrap my arm around her and say I love you. 

30 minutes later Brett comes running into our room and stops in her track and says "awwwwww, how cute you two." What are you doing her Brett?" I ask. " Well um at the high rise it got so bad that chief went in and he got burnt pretty bad and they are worried that its worst then last time." she says starting to cry, as severed comes over and puts his arm around her shoulder and she leans on him. " Ummm when did this happen?" Dawson asked. "Well right when you left" Severide says. 

Back in the waiting room 

Family of chief boden? .......


Whats going to happen with Boden? Whats happening between Sevride and Brett? who knows... coming up on Missing Love chapter 3///




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