Chapter 6

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Previously on Missing Love... 

"Well I'm going to need help building a house with 6 bedrooms and 6 bathrooms so we have no fights when they are older. I want them all connected and we are near too." Matt said. A lot of people are going to help. We are a huge family, we help each other.  

Building Dawsey's new house 

We finally found a decent sized lot to build the house on. My plan was going very smoothly. All bedrooms on the second floor. Gabby has a ultrasound today to find out the genders. It's really crazy, 6 kids, like think about it.  I was on my laptop, designing the house. I needed Gabby's help for the interior but she was asleep. Should I wake her? I looked over at her as her eye opened. "Good morning babe" I told her as I gave her a kiss. "Morning, what you doing?" She asked starting to sit up. "Designing the house can you help me with the interior? I asked putting my arm around her shoulder. "Yea sure." She said leaning her head on my shoulder. "I was thinking right when you walked into the house there would be a square made with tile and a closet on one side. The front room should be carpet in a grayish color. The dining room a nice natural wood. Then the kitchen should be the same tile as the walk in area. The hallway can be the same wood as dining room. In the hall way there should be a guest bedroom, a office, a bathroom, and another closet. The staircase should be around the living room and dinning room. The office should have a small set of stairs going to the upstairs living area. Upstairs the kids bedroom, I want them to have their own of everything when they get older to avoid fights. Maybe color code everything as theirs." Gabby said looking at the clock. "Dang it my appointment is in 5 minutes" she says getting up and getting ready me doing the same. We get out the door and to the office 2 minutes late. They called her right away, we went back.  "Hi Ms. Dawson, are you ready to find the gender of the sextuplets?" the nurse said. "Yea cause then we can finish their rooms." she said laughing. "Ok well I'm going to out the gel on and then have a look, its going to be cold." the doctor said starting the ultrasound. "Ok so the first set of 3, it looks like there is 3 girls." the doctor said. "Well I got what I wanted" Gabby said looking up at me. "Ok and the other 3 or boys!" the doctor said "Perfect" I said to Gabby. "I'll get your pictures, you are like 24 weeks along, you'll will have to do a desk job starting at 26 weeks." the nurse said and left. "Lets get home and finish planning." I said as I grabbed her hand and we walked out. 


Sorry its short its still the week but I wanted to at least get something else. Hope you like it! 





Also I have an instagram chicago_fire_pd_med_ it has a black profile picture 

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