Chapter XIII

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            After a busy day of cloud counting and nothingness, it's with a low attitude that I go to Severus' classroom. I'm earlier than usual. The snow that starts to accumulate outside doesn't allow me to stay longer. I've stopped teaching Charm class to concentrate on the mission and Hagrid seems to have disappeared. I spend my days with Dolores and Severus. It's a life I never thought and wanted to live. I've also received the news that my father has been buried in the cemetery near our old house that is now empty or any belongings. It is not on sale for some reason. I wonder who wrote me this letter. There were no other wizards or witches connected to my father other than my mother and me.

My feet are lazy and my morale is low. I even simply wave at Professor Dumbledore when I cross path with him. I hold a lot of respect for him yet I didn't show it today. I'm quite ashamed. I slow down when I get to the corridor that leads to Severus' classroom. It is surprisingly quiet. We are Friday, he's supposed to have class today with last years.

The door is ajar. I push it suspiciously, dreading that someone could jump out on me. When I walk in and stand in the middle of the classroom, I finally calm down and realize that no surprise attack will occur. No one seems to be or have been here in a while. Nothing has moved since yesterday. I know more than anyone that Severus has the bad habit of replacing his shelves even if they are perfectly clean. It can be placed by colours one day, by names another. Today is by seize, like yesterday.

I get my wand out and walk to the wall between the big emergency cauldron and the ingredient poster. I tap it seven times and draw a star. The secret cabinet appears. His notebook is missing but a note takes its place. I don't mean to peek but my name written in bold letters catch my attention.


I must cancel the meeting tonight. A very important meeting at the Ministry of Magic has made my schedule very messy. With Dumbledore's agreement, I will ask you to give my class to the last years today.

You might wonder why I have left the message in here instead of giving the message personally to you. There is something I need you to do after this specific class. You must go back at the beginning to understand. Go back with whom you shared the magic land. Go back to your roots and let your imagination flow. Not a light can be shinned on your presence, as soon as you're seen, as soon as you go.


I frown instantly. The magic land. How would he know about this? I look at the clock on the wall and see that I only have ten minutes to prepare for the class. I close the cabinet and storm to Severus' desk in which papers of his next classes are always kept. I try to read and understand what I will be teaching but the idea that Severus mentioned something nobody should know about keeps me from concentrating.

Polyjuice Potion. Great, the one thing I never mastered. Why would Severus give me this Potion when he knows how terrible I am at brewing it? Well, it does say on the paper that even adult witches and wizards have difficulty making it. This piece of information is underlined twice. A note on the side say "remember!" I laugh to myself.


I look up and see Lita Fisherman, a Gryffindor student I used to tutor in Charms years ago. She is accompanied by Greg and Stevie Kellan, probably the only nice Slytherin I have met. Even if they are twins, they look nothing alike.

"What are you doing here?" Stevie asks me as she sits right in front of my desk, dropping her bag on the floor near her chair.

"Professor Snape isn't available to teach today. I will be replacing him for this course only." I tell them.

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