Chapter II

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            “You can’t blame yourself for what happened Analeigh.” Snape says for the at least a hundredth time.

            I look up from the chair I’m being forcefully attached to. I move my wrists a little since the spell he caster start to get too tightly to be comfortable. My eyes are so dry they start to hurt. My fingers keep digging in the wood from the chair as he keeps speaking. I wish I could listen but everything he says just angers me. From a simple “You’ll be alright” to “Everything was just an accident.” He wasn’t there, he couldn’t possibly understand what I’ve seen and lived.

            “Speak to me Analeigh. You haven’t said a word for the past three weeks.”

            Since Cedric died. I wish I could’ve done something. I could have done something but I didn’t. I could have protected him but I didn’t. Why doesn’t he understand that? Instead of that, he kept me locked in his classroom, practicing Legilimency every night and everyday. I keep on seeing everything back. I’m not sad of what happened anymore. I just feel guilt no matter what I do. Cedric must be looking at me like I deserve every bit of torture I’m reserving. I agree with him.

            I look up at Snape and, for the first time in few hours of interrogation, I let a tear roll down my cheek. I don’t mean to but it doesn’t bother me too much. It gives a bit of moist to my swollen eyes.

            “You need to understand that if we don’t practice, you’ll be vulnerable to the Dark Lord’s power.” He says dramatically.

            I already am. What does it change? Nothing. Might as well lock me down in Azkaban right now before anything happens. I’m pretty sure they will soon enough.

            “And they will Analeigh.” He says.

            I frown. Did he really see that?

            “You’re mind is open for the world to see. Any Legilimens will be able to see everything that goes through your head. Why don’t you understand that I’m trying to help you?”

            “Because I don’t need it!” I hiss.

            I’ve been so used to complete silence that my own voice scares me. Although it isn’t. It’s his. His voice and his eyes. I don’t remember what my normal colour is. Brown? Gray? Blue? Maybe Green… I would have to ask my father. If I’ll even be able to see him. Flirting with the idea of joining Voldemort might end up hurting my father. Or maybe myself. I don’t know what I should do. I can’t feel very much. My heart doesn’t beat hard enough for me to feel it and my mind only shows me what Voldemort is thinking about. I’m physically here, that’s it.

            Snape seems to be surprised to get words out of my mouth. I hope he’s not happy about it because they weren’t mine. He approaches his chair to mine even if he was already close enough. Our knees touch for a quick second before I move them.

            “I was asking Analeigh.” He says.

            I want to say every bad words I know but I keep them in. The temptation is big but I’m able to shut my mouth. Snape didn’t do anything to deserve them after all. Even if he’s not very good, he’s still trying to help me out.

            “I know what will bring her out.” He says.

            He gets up and leaves the room. I hope, for a quick second, that he maybe won’t lock the doors. I could try to find a way to break the spell and leave his dark and depressing class. I jerk my arms in every direction I can do try and squeeze my wrists and hands out. I scream in annoyance few times but I don’t give up. Unfortunately, I’m not quick enough. When the door opens to its widest, the figure that I’ve been hoping to see stands right in front of me. He runs to me but Snape stops him. I try to stand up as well but I’m locked to the chair.

            “What have you been doing to her? Let her go!” Fred says.

            I don’t stop fighting against the spell like it’ll do something. I have a very small hope I can actually be free. I feel my anger boiling back inside of me. Why would he bring Fred here if he doesn’t let me see him?

            “Let me go!” I scream out.

            I don’t know if it’s anger or frustration or even pain that led me to shout. All I know is that it works. Snape gets rid of the spell and, as I can finally feel my heart beat, I jump off the chair and walk quickly to Fred. I’m about to wrap my arms around him when he grasps me and wraps his arms around me so tightly I can’t breathe anymore. It’s nice to feel something warm so I let it be. He buries his face in my neck. His breath tickles my skin.

            “I’ve missed you so much. I was sure that this time was the one. That I would never get to see you again.” He cries out.

            I would be crying as well but I can’t. I feel myself calm down in his arms. I close my eyes and feel chills run down every part in my body. It feels so good. I feel warm. I open my eyes and see Snape smiling at me. I mouth a ‘Thank you.’ He nods his head and crosses his arms. Is there a reason for him to keep me locked in here for all these weeks? Couldn’t he have done this before? I did say I trusted him. I still do. I’ll ask later maybe.

            “I’m bringing you home, okay?” Fred asks.

            I nod calmly and brush his hair. School is already over then. Summer will be very difficult to live through. At least Fred will be here to keep me grounded.

            “We just have one stop before we go.” He says.

            He leans away and takes my hand. As we walk out the door with Snape following us closely, I start to feel a bit dizzy. Even if we’re in the dungeons, there are so many lights around. I hide my eyes a little. They hurt like hell. They’re probably extremely dry and sore. Fred makes us walk up the stairs and through hallways until we stop.

            “Cauldron Cake.” Snape says.

            There’s only one place that can make sound after saying the name of a sweet. I absolutely do not want to face Dumbledore. Harry is probably with him which will make it worse. We get in and then, complete and heavy silence. I don’t dare to look up. Fred squeezes my hand and reminds me that I’m not alone on my side. Dumbledore, Molly, Arthur, George, Remus, Sirius and few other people are standing in circle.

            “The meeting for the Order of the Phoenix can begin.” Dumbledore says.

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