Chapter IX

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            I enter Dolores’ classroom twenty minutes before the class starts as she asked me. It’s exciting but scary at the same time. What if few students aren’t happy. Severus told me that few parents weren’t quite happy to know that Harry and I are still going to the school. The Ministry has broken the little reputation we had. I don’t know if I should feel glad or bad that even the Slytherin don’t talk to me.

            “Oh!” She says in a high voice that makes me cringe. “You came early. That’s a very good quality that you have.”

            I force a smile and nod. I am not in the best of moods today. I woke up from a rough nightmare and the conversation that Severus and I had yesterday didn’t help me relax. She hands me papers and tells me to place them in order. From the size of the pile that I have, I’m guessing that I will be doing this the entire day. I frown but she doesn’t notice.

            “Is there anything else you want me to do?” I ask her so I can get information on what exactly I will be doing today.

            “No, that’ll be it dear.”

            “Oh, okay, I expected-”

            “Expected what?” She cuts me off before I can finish my sentence.

            She looks at me as if I have said something wrong. I straighten in my chair, not expected to get threatened by the look she gives me. I shake my head shyly and raise my shoulder. Her eyes are killing me. I hate it.

            “I have heard from professor Flitwick that you are particularly good with magic. Unfortunately, this is not what I am looking for. Therefore, you will be putting order in whatever needs to be put in order and listen to what needs to be done.” She says.

            Her expression changes and her sweet façade comes back. She terrifies me. The only problem is that I can’t be. If I must look out for Harry and get Dolores on my side, I need her to think I am the perfect little assistant she could have.

            “I completely agree with you.” I say.

            She frowns and looks at me intently.

            “Do you?”

            “Of course. The technical side needs to be learned before the practical one. If it isn’t, how are we supposed to know what we are doing?” I force myself to say.

            She smiles and evil smiles that reminds me of a snake.

            “Yes, absolutely.” She whispers.

            She leans closer to be and I slowly back away into my chair. She looks down at me as if I was a child.

            “I have a feeling that we will become close friends miss Lavinia.” She says.

            It takes a long moment for her to walk away and out of the door. When she is out of sight, I allow myself to breathe again. What an awful little lady she is, I think to myself and probably whisper aloud. I start to put order in her useless copies that I allow myself to read. Everything is filled with garbage. It only says nonsense about the use of magic being more dangerous. Students start to come in and the chats fill the room. It feels amazingly familiar which brings a lot of comfort to me. At my big surprise, not many people even take a look at me. Hermione, Ron and Harry walk in. I share a look with the three of them who smile at my presence. Harry is the only one that comes to me to give me a hug.

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