Chapter X

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            Dolores forces me to stay for Harry’s detention to show me how it works… I had no comments on this because I was mainly scared of what the ‘it’ was about. I have to make the time fly by so she makes me gather the books and search for pages in which students might have written in. In other words, she makes me go page by page through a pile filled with forty or more books. I’m surprised to see that some of them have scratches on the words or marks of erased writing. The only one that has all the words clearly written in looks like Hermione’s book. Her handwriting is visible through the attached letters, the smoothness of her vowels and the rough edges of the other letters. She scratched through every passage in which it says that using magic is the last resort or stuff like that. I go on and try to get rid of it but the obvious pencil she used doesn’t allow me to erase it. I hope she didn’t cast a spell on it because someone will get problems during the next class.

            The door opens suddenly making me jump on my seat and look up. Harry peeks from the gap and comes it. I get up instinctively and go to him quietly.

            “Good thing you’ve arrived, staying in the same classroom as her meowing, stupid cats is going to drive me crazy.” I whisper.

            I see him smile. He shouldn’t. Even through her closed door I can hear them and it brings me to madness. He’ll be stuck in there for the next few hours.

            “What do you think she’s going to make me do?” He asks quietly as we walk together to her room.

            “I don’t know but she’ll show me how it works.” I tell him.

            He frowns but I can’t explain him what I mean. I don’t know myself. He knocks at the door and we both wait. I can hear them again. It can’t be possible for a human being to stay in this cacophony for so long, even for Dolores. She tells us to come in. Harry opens the door and walks through. I stay at my spot to try and make her forget about me.

            “Good evening, mister Potter.” She says.

            I can see a cup of tea near her very well placed things on her desk. She smiles at him with a crooked but rather pleasant smile. It changes her.

            “Sit.” She orders him gently.

            I’m about to close the door behind him but Dolores makes a small sound that makes Harry and I turn around and look at her.

            “Miss Lavinia, please, come in.” She says.

            I exchange a worried look with Harry but I do as I am told. I close the door and sit on the chair I sat in last time. She pushes a cup of tea to me and turns to Harry.

            “You’re going to do some lines for me today, mister Potter.” She says.

            He reaches out for his items while I pour a little bit of sugar in my cup.

            “No, not with your quill. You’re going to use a rather special one of mine.” She tells him and stands up.

            She gently places it over the paper and makes her way to the window.

            “Now, I want you to write: ‘I must not tell lies’.” She says.

            I suddenly feel rather angry at this. I would understand if she called him or me a liar in class for the sake of the other students but why would she do so here, in private? She must know about the truth but doesn’t want the others to believe them, right? Is she actually unaware of what has happened?

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