Chapter I

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            “Don’t listen to him!”

            I acknowledge Harry’s presence but his words mean little to me for the moment. I just found out who was accompanying me for all these years. The voice that gave me advices –even if they weren’t the best ones-, the voice that gave me so much strength whenever I needed it. That voice… Who belongs then none other then Voldemort himself. So many questions come in my mind but, as I’m about to ask, I realize that Peter isn’t there anymore. I can only hear Harry’s screams and a strong heat on my right. What used to be a big cauldron transformed into a black cloak. Harry is stuck but I don’t feel the need to save him. The power seems to duplicate every second the cloak appears to cover a person. Feet grow out of it, followed with pale arms and finally a hairless head. It’s as if a small spark that I had for years just grew into a big tornado of flames.

            The scene goes on until Death Eaters appear in front of us. I suddenly feel so much rage inside of me. One of them is responsible for my mother’s death. I tighten my fist and wait until Voldemort has destroyed their only mean of hiding to do anything. I know I don’t remember his face but something tells me he’s here. Malfoy falls on his knees and I can’t help but smirk. He acts so superior before everybody. Little do they know on how pathetic he looks like when he’s scared.

            “Young child, come.” Voldemort hisses.

            I step forward knowing that the only child who’s not dead or imprisoned is me. I stop when my eyes meet his. His disgusting smile revolts me but the confidence in his eyes gives me some courage to stand by. He points his wand at Lucius who shivers on the spot.

            “When your mother died, few years ago, you kept on questioning yourself. Today, I bring you the answer you have been seeking for so long. Lucius Malfoy is responsible of the horrible crime that torments your nights.” He explains.

            Something inside of me snaps. The wire was already so thin and fragile and now it just broke me apart.

            Use the strength I gave you.

            I don’t know if I thought about this or if he did. I don’t really care who said it all I know is that the thought is right. I reach for my wand but Voldemort’s slim fingers brush my hand before I can cast anything.

            “Make him pay for what he has done.” He says.

            That tornado is burning me entirely. I’m so mad I can feel the heat get to my cheeks and palms and legs.

            “Master?” Lucius implores in a devastated and frighten voice.

            The scene passes so fast. Voldemort swings his arm and connect the back of his hand with Lucius’ cheek. I want to. I want to and I will. Am I saying this or is it still him? What would I really say in this situation? What would I do? It’s been so long since I thought for myself that I don’t know what I would do.

            “Do it!” Voldemort says once more.

            My hands starts to shake and all I can think about is how my heart and brain are battling once more. I can finally picture what’s on every side of this hallway. My brain is where Voldemort and all this amazing strength await me. My heart is where not only Harry, Fred, Viktor, Hermione, Ron and all my friends lie, it’s also where I’m safe from my brain. It would be where my parents would want me to be. It’s where my mom wants me to be so I don’t make the same mistakes as her. As I face the pathetic look Lucius has on his face, I also see where Draco got few of his features. I know what it feels like to live without a parent and I don’t want this to happen to anybody –even if it’s someone like Malfoy.

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