Chapter 2 - Rachel's P.O.V.

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I was standing in front of my bureau, checking my outfit and finishing my hair. I was really nervous today, because it was my first anniversary with Octavian and I was dying of excitement. He told me that he would be here at 5:30, so we could have dinner together, alone, like we've done many times before. That wasn't why I was nervous, it was practically our routine during the nights.

I was really nervous because he told me he had a big surprise for me.

I avoided the make up, but I didn't skip the perfume, my favorite (actually, it's the only one I own and it was a present from Octavian for my 18th birthday). I sprayed it in my wrists, my neck and a little over my hair and clothes. He loves it. And I love him.

A little whined called my attention and I turned to see the corner of my cave, where Octavian's present was hiding. I smiled to myself while I walked over there, picking the present up. The present was another reason of why I didn't wear make up: I was not eager that someone would lick make up off my face and let me end up covered in saliva.

"Shh... You'll be able to go out soon, I promise..." I cooed him, smiling. If you haven't guess yet, my present for Octavian was a tiny, furry and trained puppy. It was a black Retriever (it would be kind of useless call him Golden when he is, in fact, black) which I baptized as 'Umbreon'. I didn't know how to name it, but I remembered how much Octavian was obsess with Pokemon and this little fella in my arms was as black as the night (I couldn't name it Vaporeon. He wasn't neither blue or half fish). I knew Octavian wanted a puppy since I've met him, and after Evie's departure, we've been quite down and reticent about having another puppy. But, I believe that with this little guy, things will be different.

I checked my watch. 5:24. I better get heading towards the entrance of Camp. I like to wait for him at the entrance, like a reminder that I'm there for him everytime he needs me. So, I walked out my cave, slowly (I was wearing heels for this special occasion), with Umbreon on my hands, who was looking around Camp completely absorbed and marveled about it. I smiled down at him, thinking that it was a good idea to buy him a collar and a tag, in case he runs away of the limits of Camp and someone finds him. What I forget was something entirely different.

"Who's the chick with the puppy?"

"Damn, she looks fine..."

"Wait, isn't that the Oracle?!"

"Call me when you get dumped!!"

I hate catcalling. I held my head high and kept walking, ignoring them on the way. They weren't this nice with me two years ago... Luckily for me, Umbreon was there to defend me, though hearing a little puppy growl to complete strangers wasn't anything but menacing. It was totally cute.

When I reached the entrance, I waited for Octavian in silence. By the time I got there, it was already 5:30, which made me worry a little, because Octavian never arrives late. Not even for a second. He doesn't like make me wait for him. He must be stuck in traffic... As a born and raised newyorker, I knew the problems and frustration that brings the traffic of Manhattan.

"He's probably stuck in traffic..." I mumbled to Umbreon, who was looking between me and the entrance, as if he knew someone important was about to cross the gates "He'll be here soon..."

But he never came.

I finally gave up at 6:45. I was tired, hungry and my feet were sore and itching because of the heels. For a second, I was glad that I decided against make up, because I felt a tear roll down my cheek, which I wiped away quickly.

He stood me up...

I was scared to know what the Hades that meant. Did he not love me anymore? Did he forget about today? Was he still stuck in traffic? Endless questions swarm my head and I was afraid to know the answers to them. I didn't know if I wanted to know the answers. Suddenly, my phone began to vibrate in my pocket. I pulled it out and checked the ID: 'Octavian'. I sighed in relief and picked it up.

"Octavian, where the Hades are you? You're like an hour late!" I rambled through the phone. Hey, the fact that I was relieved that it was him, didn't mean I wasn't upset because he stood me up.

"Hello?" I heard from the other line. I frowned, instantly recognizing the voice as not Octavian.

"Who are you and why do you have my boyfriend's number?" I questioned the other person holding the other end of the phone, a bit harsh.

"Miss, are you related to Mr. Alexander?" A deep voice, probably a grown up male, asked. I wanted to roll my eyes at him. Didn't I just said I was his girlfriend?!

"I'm his girlfriend" I repeated, this time out loud "Who are you?"

"I'm Doctor Jarred Grendich, from Manhattan's Memorial" I listened carefully at this information, before things came rushing down to me. Gods, no... No, no, no, no, no, no!!

"Please, don't..." I whimpered, trying not to break down in that instant. But, the gods didn't seem to hear my pray, because seconds later, I heard the sentence that will crumble down my entire world:

"I regret to inform you that Mr. Alexander was in a car accident"

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