I had to have this stupid ankle plaster for about four weeks. The doctor told me to rest and I didn't want to.My mum had currently set me down on the couch with a blanket and box of chocolate, Michael was sat at the end of the couch with my feet on him. Dad was shopping with Keelan, Calum and Ashton, meanwhile my mum and Luke are having therapy lessons upstairs, as in his nightmares.
"Why did god let this happen?" I asked Michael, referring to my ankle, he chuckled and I flicked the channel over.
"So what are your problems, I mean I can't tell if there is something genuinely wrong with Ashton, I just think he's an arse hole. Calum's problem is evident as well as Luke's but I don't know what yours is." I said and Michael smile faded.
"Well I've been like this since I was 13, I don't even remember not being like this..." Michael drifted off.
"Like what?" Ashton walked through the door, punching Michael's shoulder as he went.
"It doesn't matter, can you move your leg, I need to go." Michael said and ran upstairs.
"Where's my dad?" I asked.
"He went to the park with Cal and Keelan." Ashton said before following Michael upstairs.
I stood up and hobbled over to the office, knowing it was unlocked I walked-stumbled-in. I looked through the filing cabinet until I found the name: Michael Clifford. Picking it up I rushed it back to my place on the sofa.
I opened it and carefully read each word, making sure no one was approaching.
Name: Michael Gordon Clifford.
Age at start of diagnosis: 13
Eye colour: Green
Hair colour: Blonde, dyed blue
Blood type: B
In for: Depression, suicidal thoughts and actions.
Additional information: complains of hearing voices, self harms, his parents left him in an asylum.
Session 1:
Therapy with Wendy. 30 minutes.What is the first thing you say to yourself in the morning?
Why did you wake up.What do you think about when you look in the mirror?
How ugly I am.Why do you think this way?
Because I'm a waste of space.Patient started crying and itched his wrists.
When was the last time you hurt yourself?
This morning.Please stop hurting yourself Michael.
I can't. They say I have to. It makes them proud and I have to make them proud, no ones ever been proud of me.Well I'm proud of you for doing this Michael but I will be more proud if you stop, okay sweet heart?
I don't want to stop, they will tell me nasty things.I gasped and a feeling of guilt clouded my gut.
"Oh my god, I sounded like such a bitch." I whispered to myself. I wiped the tear from my eye and put his folder under the covers.
I carried on watching the TV when the phone rang, I reached over and answer it.
"Scarlett, tell your mum code yellow at the park now!" And then he hung up.
Code yellow?
"MUM CODE YELLOW AT THE PARK." I heard smashing and then my mum raced down the stairs.
"Get in the safe room!" She screamed, it was Aaron he was at the park. I watched as the boys headed down to the safe room.
"Luke? Little help?" I begged, he chuckled and picked me up, carrying me down to the safe room.
He sat me on the chair and then he took a hold of Michael's hand. Michael flushed and whispered something to Luke, who then also blushed a red colour. There was obviously something between those two.
(Yes I'm putting muke in it, don't like it? Goodbye! Although it's only brief it's not like I'm gonna write smut into it!)
I watched as Ashton made his way over to me, he slid down the wall till he was beside me just a little lower.
"I'm sorry about freaking out, they're just like my little brothers and they mean so much to me." Ashton mumbled.
"It's alright but I want to help you, I know my mum can't help you, you're one of the most serious cases, I want to be your friend not just the therapists daughter." I told him, he smiled and pulled me into a hug.
I heard Calum, just Calum crying.
"I'm sorry I didn't mean to hurt him, it was Aaron, is he okay?" Calum cried, I jumped up, well tried to, rushing to the door and unlocking it.
"Hurt who?" I yelled, I saw my mums eyes bore into mine and my dad who was holding Calum, he looked okay, who was it then?
"Keelan..." I whispered and tried to race to the door, my mum grabbed me.
"He's in hospital! I have to to see him mum, he's my little brother." I cried, he needs me.
"He's unresponsive star, we can't do anything." I felt my body cripple and I fell to the floor, my legs falling in front of me.
I curled up in a ball, nothing felt right anymore, my mum had fucked up, so much. She was in too deep this time, her stupidness led to my brother in hospital now.

Black Roses. (Punk 5SOS) *COMPLETED*
FanfictionA black rose is something beautiful with a dark twist. - !!PUNK 5SOS!! /mention of muke\