Once Michael and Luke had left for work, I went to check on the girls. Eliora was still asleep but Caleigh was awake as usual. I helped her downstairs to where I gave her some breakfast.
"So when will grandma and grandad be here?" Caleigh questioned, swirling the chocolate cereal around in her bowl.
"I don't know sweetie, I'm sure they'll want to pop down soon." I said giving her a small kiss on her forehead. I heard a couple of cries call from the bedroom and I ran upstairs. I pushed my way into Eliora's room and saw her screaming in her sleep. I was quick to sweep her up in my arms.
"Eli, it's okay, wake up." The small blonde woke up, tears streaming and her body shaking. I brushed the hair stuck to her forehead away, hugging her tightly.
"Hey, what's wrong sweetie?"
"I-I Don't remember." Her small frame wilted slightly and I picked her up.
"Why don't we have a bath yeah?" I questioned, she shook her head.
"I want daddy." She cried, I chewed my lip, did I really want to tell them, her episode was exactly like Luke's.
"Which one?" I questioned softly, rubbing her back.
"Daddy Michael," I nodded and pulled out my phone.
(Michael, Scarlett, Eliora)
Hi, um something happened this morning and it's about Eli, she's requested you.
What's happened?
She had a nightmare, but she was screaming, Michael, I think you should come and see her.
Alright I'm on my way, what was it about?
She can't remember, I'm really worried about her. Can you get in contact with her birth parents?
We both are her birth parents we just got a donor egg. Do you think it's related to Luke?
Yeah I do.
Don't tell him about this, please, he'll blame himself-home please Harold-sorry I was talking to my driver, anyway, just don't tell him. can I talk to Eli?
Of course-Eli, daddy wants to speak to you.
Hi daddy!
Hey baby, are you okay?
No I want you
I'm on my way baby, stay with Star okay?
Okay love you
Good girl, love you too, see you in a minute.
Hey it's me again.
Hey, can you just sit with her and try and keep her calm I'm fifteen minutes away, I'll see you soon okay?
Of course, okay see you soonI picked up Eli and carried her downstairs her body felt cold and tired, I laid her on the couch passing her a blanket.
"Would you like something to eat honey?"
"Yes, can I have a pop tart." I nodded and headed out to the kitchen where Caleigh was still eating her cereal.
"Is Eli okay?" Caleigh asked gently.
"Yeah, but why don't you play dolls with her." Caleigh ran off leaving me with the empty plate. I could hear the girls playing happily when I hear a slap sound, I quickly went to see the girl and saw Caleigh holding her right cheek as she stared in shock. She looked at me and with tears in her eye let out a massive cry of pain. I ran over to my daughter inspecting the Eli shaped hand mark imprinted on my daughter.
Just before I lost my temper I saw Michael in the other door way holding himself together.
"Eliora Clifford, How dare you?" She stared at her father in pure distress and Caleigh cried into me.
I scooped up my own daughter as Michael walked over to his, I left holding the hurting toddler on my hip. I could hear Michael discussing what had just happened.
"Why did she hit you Cal?" I asked softly, putting a cold towel over her face, I wiped away each tea gently with my thumb.
"I don't know she just hit me. We were playing and the she just hit me, I promise mummy I don't hit her, I promise." Caleigh let out more tears and I held her close.
What is wrong with Eliora?
what do you think?

Black Roses. (Punk 5SOS) *COMPLETED*
FanfictionA black rose is something beautiful with a dark twist. - !!PUNK 5SOS!! /mention of muke\