Black Roses~7

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I sat on the roof, watching the sun rise slowly as I bounced my unbroken ankle. My thoughts were everywhere, nothing was making any sense. I missed Keelan. That was all I couldn't feel was the emptiness left from his absence.

He had deteriorated and I was scared he wouldn't wake up at all. Calum was arrested, that was about four days ago now. I had no one to talk to because the boys all were trying to help Calum.

I pulled myself in from the roof and laid on the bed, I could hear Luke screaming next door, it was about sunrise that he would get agitated by whatever was running through his mind.

"I'm going now sweetie, are you gonna be okay with the boys?" Mum had said in my room, I pulled myself from laying down to sitting up, to face her.

"I don't know they might kill me." I said sarcastically. Mum gave me 'the look' before kissing my head and leaving.

It was about midday when I saw one of the boys. It was Luke. He sat down on my floor and held his knees, like a child waiting to be told what to do.

"No one wanted this to happen." Luke explained, I nodded and flipped him off.

"Please Scarlett," Luke began, his eyes looking at me. "I also need to talk to you about something."

"What is it?" I questioned.

"I think I may be in love with Michael."  I knew it!

"But he is straight and I don't know what to do."

"So you're gay?" He nodded, I stared at him for while.

"That's why my parent were killed, and my brother, because I was gay," Luke drifted off and I made a confused face.

"What?" I questioned.

"You haven't read my file?" He questioned, I shook my head and he left, he came back up with his file, I furrowed my eyebrows as he passed it to me.

"You want me to read it?" I asked, he nodded and I flipped it open.

Name: Luke Robert Hemmings
Age at start of diagnosis: 15
Eye colour: Blue
Hair colour: Blonde, dyed purple
Blood type: A+
In for: Nightmares
Additional information: Luke watched his parents and two brothers die in front of him. They were brutally murdered as his punishment. He was left in a alley beaten but not enough to kill.

"That's awful!" I said.

"That's what my nightmares are about...I can permanently see their faces etched into my memory because the died in my arms."

"You don't need to tell me this." I told him.

"No you should know. My mom, Liz, she was a maths teacher and she loved photography, she was always taking photos when we went out." Luke's eyes watered and I waved him over.

He sat beside me and played with his hands, I gave him a side hug.

"My dad, well, he was obsessed with music, when I was little they would play it all the time. That's how I got my taste in music." He looked at me.
"My two brothers, Jack and Ben. Ben loved to have a group of friends and would travel a lot, Jack Had a gorgeous girlfriend, who is now grieving for the loss of him." I pulled Luke into a big hug.

"They don't deserve to be in this crappy world, they're so much better and they are in a better place." I told him and he nodded.

"They killed Ben with an axe in the back, he was scared and tied facing me, I saw his fear, after watching the rest of the family die. He said he loved me, that was seconds before it was slammed down into his spine." Luke was bawling now and I couldn't do anything to stop it.

"Get it all out, it will be good, I promise." Luke was screaming as he cried and I saw Ashton in the doorway, giving me a sympathetic smile.

After about 20 minutes, Luke was in my lap as a mother rocking her child, I was holding him to my chest, gently hushing him and whispering nice things to him.

I heard my phone go and I picked it up.

"Hello?" I questioned.

"It's mum, I don't know how to say this but Keelan is..." She broke down and I hung up.

"Drive me to the hospital, now!" I screamed at Luke, he nodded and picked me up, taking me downstairs. He grabbed my dad's car keys and Michael stopped him.

"What are you doing?" He questioned.

"I need to take her to the hospital," Michael rolled his eyes.

"Pass me the keys, you can't drive silly." Michael said before grabbing the keys and opening the car.

Luke dropped me in and I did up my belt before Michael drove me to the hospital.

When we arrived, Luke carried me to the child's ward and there I saw my parents. They were crying and I looked at the body, he was struggling to breathe.

"Can't they help him!" I screamed, rushing over and picking him up.

"I love you, please don't go," Keelan looked at me and inhaled but that was the last of his breathing. I was still expecting an exhale but it wouldn't happen, I saw my mum and she fell into my dad as she muttered 'I've lost another baby.'.

"Bye Keelan, you were too special for this world anyway."

Black Roses. (Punk 5SOS) *COMPLETED*Where stories live. Discover now