"Mommy! Mommy! Wake up!!" I peeled my eyes open to the brown abyss of my daughters.
"Morning baby!" I squealed, tickling her till she fell beside me.
"The wedding today!" She exclaimed. I laughed and hugged her tightly.
I slowly got up, walking over to the bathroom. Caleigh followed, trying to race me. Once achieving the bathroom, I put her on a stool so she could see herself in the mirror. She smiled before fussing with her hair.
"Let's go have some breakfast." I smiled at my daughter, who immediately jumped down and went to the door. I unlocked it and we went to go wait up my mum and dad.
I slid on my dress, smiling to myself. I still had covered up but I personally thought I looked alright, maybe enough to win back Calum?
I did my hair before going into my mum and dads where where I saw Caleigh, she was all dressed and sat on the bed with my dad, who was in a suit, while my mum was in the bathroom.
My mum had on a darker purple dress and my dad had a bow tie which was the same colour as her dress. Caleigh had on a smaller version of my dress.
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"Let's go!" My mum smiled. I nodded and picked up Caleigh. We walked out into the bright sun of Aus. We caught a taxi to the venue, I was nervous. Calum might not want a child.
We walked into the venue and I smiled at Calum. He grinned and it soon faded at the small child attached to my hand. As I was about to walk up to him, some blonde took ahold of his face and snogged him.
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Hurt and taken aback, I just stood beside my daughter, my dad and my mum. Waiting for the wedding to begin.
As soon as the music began I felt relieved but all I could look at was Calum and his new girl.
"It's good to see you!" Luke said and embraced me in a hug, my daughter hid behind my legs.
"Yeah you too, Mr Clifford," his cheeks flushed and he looked down, noticed my little girl and gave me wide eyes.
"Who's this beauty queen?!" Caleigh came out from behind my legs and spun around.
"I'm Caleigh-Rose Johnson!"
"What a pretty name for a pretty girl!" Luke said and she jumped in his arms.
"Caleigh! Some people won't like that." I scolded, Luke just smiled.
"He does." Caleigh said back poking her tongue out.
"This is Luke, Cal. The boy I told you about." Caleigh nodded and looked at the many tattoos and piercings my I friend had.
"He's cute," Caleigh smiled, wrapping her arms around Luke's neck and pressing his cheek to hers. "I like him, can we stay?" Her lips turned into a pout.
"Yeah, can you stay?!" Luke then began to pout along with my daughter.
"I don't know yet. I'll think about it." No. I definitely wasn't.
So as time passed and Luke and my daughter became one person as she would not stop hugging him, Calum finally appeared in front of me.
"Who's the little girl?" He sounded nervous but also interested.
"Caleigh is my daughter."
"Who's the father?" Straight in with the bomb.
"CALLY-BEAR!" The blonde prat grabbed ahold of my Calum, hurling him down her throat, and accidentally elbowing me.
"She's my late boyfriend's kid. So don't panic." I spat harshly before leaving to go talk to the other husband and Ash.
A lot of time swaps, sorry!
I have mocks and exams taking over my life sorry for the late update love you loads 🎀