Watch Your Back (2)

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Heeeeey!! im back and im better (Like fr im better)
And this is what yall been waiting for part 2 of watch your back! I got lots of ideas on this chapter *Evil smiles*

?: What are you doing here?

Isis:*sighs* Zahira i need your help


Zahira: What you need ?

Isis: Your help.

Zahira: *sighs* Fime come in .

Isis walks in

Zahira: So whats going on?

Isis: Well, These past few weeks it felt like i was being followed like yesterday night . i was going to the corner store to get Kianna some milk . But some person kept following me and when i look back he or she will disappeared.

Zahira: Damn .

Isis: Yeah . And when i woke up i felt the need to call swae and tell him about it but he wasnt at the house so i figured he was at the studio him and slim but when i walk in the kitchen i found a note and it said Watch Your Back *Anonymous.

Zahira: Do you have the note?

Isis: Yeah here *pulls it out of her purse*

Zahira:Wow this handwriting look familar.. Keep going .

Isis: Um okay . so i grab kianna and we got in my car driving to the studio when i got there no one was at the front desk so i walk in the back of the room when i got there no oe was there and the room was trash i look on the wall and it said "You will never get him back hes mine" i walk back out going in the car when i got inside someone call me and unknown person i pick my phone up and the voice sound familar just couldnt put my name on who it was before u know it Kianna gone so i went to india house and i saw Brooklyn she open the door and told me ppl took india and now im scared .

Zahira: Wow . Y they going thru much trouble just for a boy?

Isis: *sighs* Idk . but i need your help.

Zahira: Finding them?

Isis: Yes and my child she could be dead right now .

Zahira: Weeeell first thing first we have to fine some clues .

Isis: *sighs* yeaah Waaaait.

Zahira; What?

Isis: Wheres your twin Tahira?

Zahira: Oh shez in New Jersey .

Isis: Oh well . Zahira i have a question?

Zahira: Yeah ?

Isis: Can u help me fine Swae exs please?

Zahira: Well ik a few .


Zahira: Me,Jasmine,Andrea,Ashely,Ariaa etc

Isis:Imma need about all of them.
Zahira: Y?

Isis: So we can question them .

Zahira:Alright *sighs*

A/N: Imma just skip to when they have all the girls because this where the good stuff happens

- All of Swaes exs is there . Short girl hair name is Jasmine . Long hair Ariaa. Bun hair Ashley, Pretty hair Andrea, Curly hair Tikiesha -

Jasmine: What are we doing here?

Isis: Im isis. Swae girlfriend his main girlfriend . We have a daughter name Kianna so if yall bitches try anything i will break you into pieces .

Zahira: Trust me she will .

Andrea: Yeah i already been through that stage do not wanna go thru it again .

Isis: Okay so you 8 girls including zahira going to help me find swae and dem .

Tikiesha: Wait but theres only 6 of us . in cluding Zahira since that his ex .

Isis: Wait Zahira i thought u called crystal? *Remember her*?

Zahira:I did she told me that she cant come because she have to watch kadee and i heard some shuffling in the back ground but she hung up before i could say anything .

Ariaa:Thats a clue i be the clue person -writes down what Zahira said-

Isis: Thats good .

Jasmine: How?

Tikieasha: Well if u think about it zahira called crystal and crystal definitely have to be the one whos behind all of this well because there was shuffling and the back ground and crystal was so quick to hang up thats a suspect !

Everyone Except Tikiesha: Brains!

Andrea: Wait i think i can track her number down or the unknown number that called u .

Tikiesha:Track both of them down .

Isis Pov

Me and zahira handed andrea our phone she grab her laptop and plug zahira phone inside the laptop and she started doing some technology stuff . As Zahira telling Ariaa more clues Andrea doing the technology and Tikiesha writing down stuff i think we will fine swae and them . Me and jasmine and Ashley didnt have nothing so i had to give jasmine a job .

Isis: Jasmine do me a favor.


Isis: My niece brooklyn is upstairs can u go up there and watch her pleaseeee.
Jasmine: Sureee *Smiles and run upstairs*

Ashley:What can i do?

Isis:*thinks* Follow me .

We got in my car and drove off i think ik what to do .

Zahira Pov .

Andrea: I got something !

Zahira:What did you get?

Andrea:Well i found where there located on your phone there at this weird looking warehouse just a couple of hours from here .
Zahira: Ik that warehouse .

Andrea: And on Isis phone i found the unknown person see .

Zahira: Larafesha?

Tikiesha: Fuxk kind name is that?

Zahira:Fuck kind of name is Tikiesha?

Tikiesha: Its better than Larafesha*hair flips*

Ariaa: So the ones who took swae and them is some girl name Larafesha and Crystal?

Andrea:We need to go and get isis now .

Zahira:I cant call her . her phone is here ..
Andrea:Call ashely.

Phone Convo .


Zahira:Ashley this zahira put the phone on speaker

Ashley:Kk*do it*


Isis: Yeah?

Zahira:We found who took swae and them and we know where they located at?


Zahira: Yess


Zahira; Crystal and Larafesha .

Isis:Larafesh? Omg swaes ex .

Zahira: Hurry back here now .

Isis:On my way .


Sorrrry for this long update pleaseeee forgiveee me
But Part 3 to this coming soon
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