Chapter Two

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"What are you reading?"

Katherine turned around to see Arinbjorn walking towards her. His hazel eyes and charming smile were inviting, even though he was a warrior. One of the reasons why Katherine was friends with him.

"I am reading a book called 'Peter Pan'. It is highly praised by humans."

"Oh?" Arinbjorn sat down beside her on the small couch. "What is it about?"

"It is about a girl named Wendy who is taken away by a young flying boy to a place in the sky where you don't grow old, and everything is perfect. I believe she loves the boy, but I'm only half way through. They made a movie about it. Well, a few movies."

"What's a 'movie'?" Her friend asked.

"It's a moving painting almost, but sometimes with real people! Almost like a play, but it's on a screen."

Arinbjorn listened closely, marvelling at every word.

"That's sounds extremely fascinating. Will you read it to me? Alas, I can not read English."

Nodding, she started to read the book, and the boy watched her full lips and thought about every word she read.

Katherine had known Arinbjorn since she had first moved to Asgard, and they became the best of friends. Because Loki taught Katherine everything, she had never gone to the Asgardian 'schools', so she didn't make many friends.

He at first didn't have friends either, his family being known for being cowards.

But he became a warrior, and was now tall and toned, with dark brown hair that went into a braid down his back. Light scruff covered his jaw, making him look more manly. He was handsome, and the young girls of Asgard were jealous of Katherine's position as his best friend.

"Neverland sounds a bit like Asgard." The brunette stated.

"At least we don't have oily savages who scalp others, Arin." She laughed.

The library door creaked open and Loki stood in the doorway. He didn't exactly like Arinbjorn, but he respected that he was polite and had never been non loyal or non truthful to Katherine.

"Katherine, there was a boar hunt today and the hall is holding a feast. You may go if you would like."

Katherine looked at Arin and smiled. "Would you like to come with us?"

"It would be just the two of you. I wish not to go." Loki commented.

"Why not, Father?" She asked. He looked at her slightly guiltily and closed the door.

"Perhaps he is tired, or not feeling well." Arinbjorn offered. Katherine put on a fake smile.

"Yes, most likely."

Later that evening, Katherine magicked many different outfits, trying to find something not too fancy, but nice enough for a hunted meal.

Because of winter most of the food was not fresh meat, so this was a big deal.

Katherine tried another.

She looked in the mirror, the dress was white, and had a layer of lace over the silk. The sleeves were off the shoulder and at her wrists they became very long and touched the ground. The dress was long enough the cover her bare feet, which she was grateful for.

Loki chastised her for not wearing shoes, but she disliked them and found then concealing.

With a small ruffle of her hair she smiled and opened her chamber doors to find her father reading something.

"Father, I'm leaving. I shall see you later?"

"I suppose. I'm not going anywhere." He mumbled from behind his book. He looked up briefly and smiled. "You look lovely. Don't lay with anyone, and be back before midnight."

Katherine rolled her red eyes and opened the front door.

"Yes, yes, of course. Ék àst yó, Father."

She closed the door behind her and looked up at the falling snow.

"I shorty believed I saw an angel standing in the snow." Arinbjorn said as he approached her. "You look beautiful."

She turned to see him in a deep red tunic and black pants and boots. "Thank you, Arinbjorn. And you look very handsome."

He offered his elbow, which she kindly took and they went to the halls together.

"And I caught it with my bare hands!" Bolstagg bragged while chugging down a glass of wine.

"Only after Hogun slayed it!" Fandral laughed loudly, followed by the others at the table.

Thor threw down his glass. "Another!" He cried out, which abrupt more laughter.

Katherine chuckled to herself as she read under the table.

Suddenly her book was seized by her uncle, who held it above her head so she could not grab it.

"Why, Niece! Don't you know it is rude to read at the table?" He exclaimed loudly for everyone to hear. "Fifty Shades of Grey? I was unaware there was so many shades of one colour. Where did you get this?" He opened to a random page.

His jaw suddenly dropped, and he quickly shut the book.

"What vile things do you read?"

Katherine jumped up to snatch the book from him. "It's a very famous book on Midgard. I simply wished to see what it was about."

Thor shook his head. "A young lady should not cast her eyes upon something so..scandalous." He gave her the book back and Katherine looked to see Arinbjorn holding his hands over his mouth to stop from laughing. She pinched him in the arm and sat back down.

"My apologies, Uncle. I shall not read anymore of the book."

"Your uncle was right! This book is vile!" Arinbjorn exclaimed as he flipped through it later that night. They were siting on the edge of the Bifrost, watching the water crash and billow around the pillars.

Katherine laughed. "Then don't read it, my friend!"

"Why are you so interested in mortals? Didn't you live there?"

She looked out into the distance, remembering Alaska.

"Yes, I did. Although my first four years were spent in a place called Russia, which I do not recall very well. Then until my eleventh year I lived in Alaska, on a mountain, far from any other people. Father never taught me anything about them, and Mother died when I was seven."

"A shame, really. To have a daughter like you she must have been lovely person."

Katherine sniffed and rested her head on his shoulder.

"Yes, she was." She sighed. "I just want to remember more."

Arinbjorn put an arm around her, and quietly whispered:

"You could always go back."

Katherine (Sequel to 'Ophelia')Where stories live. Discover now