Chapter Eight

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Katherine sat at the island in the kitchen, doing her homework.

Her mind wandered to other things, and she didn't notice Tony walk in the room.

"Slacking, are we?"

She quickly looked up.

"No, no. I do not slack." She looked back at her math, baffled that she had gone to her la-la-land.

Tony poured himself an amber liquid, to which Katherine frowned.

It was 4:27 in the afternoon.

He sipped it and gave her an offering gesture.

"No, thank you." Katherine kindly refused.

Shrugging, Tony took another sip.

"Clint and Natasha are back, and we told them about you."

Katherine perked up a bit.

"Did they react in the same manner?"

Tony laughed. "Nat claimed to have known the whole time. Clint didn't really care, and they both are cool with it." Another sip. "Tonight, why don't you come down to the middle floor and you can join us for food?"

Smiling, Katherine nodded.

"I would be delighted."

Later that Friday night, everyone got together on the 'middle floor', where they started to watch Pulp Fiction.

It was an awkward, long thirty minutes until Natasha paused it.

"I'm not going to spend a whole other hour of this." She pointed at the playboy. "Tony, get the drinks. We're playing Truth or Dare."

"What, are we twelve?" Bruce asked as he watched Tony hop up and fist pump the air.

"Not if you play it the way Nat and I do." Tony replied, balancing drinks in his arms.

"Oh, yeah." Clint commented. "Do not underestimate her."

"Remember that time in Madagascar when I convinced you to strip and r-"

Clint quickly shoved Natasha.

"No! Nobody needs to know!"

Katherine frowned. "My apologies, but what is this game?"

"Yes, I too am confused." Thor added.

"Somebody will ask you truth or dare, and if you say truth, you answer a question truthfully, and if you choose dare," Tony smirked. "You have to do whatever they dare you to do."

Katherine glanced at Steve, who looked incredibly uncomfortable.

Tony poured drinks for everyone and passed them around.

Katherine eyed her drink.

It smelled odd.

"You're giving the teenager alcohol?" Steve snapped.

"On Asgard, she has consumed more fine drinks than most mortals!" Thor laughed.

"Ok, who's going first?" Clint asked.

"Ooh! Me!" Tony jumped up. He eyed each person carefully.

"Nat! Since you're fun, Truth, or Dare?" He asked dramatically.

"Dare." She said while downing the rest of her drink.

Tony thought for a moment.

" I dare you to take off all your clothes except your underwear and do the macerena while standing on Thor's back."

Katherine (Sequel to 'Ophelia')Where stories live. Discover now