Chapter Four

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Katherine woke up early in the morning, just after the sun had come up.

She quietly cooked breakfast and set the table, then dressed in a deep blue dress that showed off her thin but feminine form.

Katherine tiptoed into her father's room and planted a light kiss on his sharp cheek bone that she shared an identical one to.

His eyelids flickered open and he yawned.

"Even I need sleep, Katherine."

"No, Father. Not right now! Come, come." She grabbed his arm and heaved him out of bed, revealing his green tunic and black leggings. His bare feet made light pitter patter sounds on the cool tiles, and his hair was a mess.

"Look." Katherine presented the table happily, and Loki smiled through his half awake state.

"I must say. I do wish I had your energy and enthusiasm at this ungodly hour."

His daughter sat him down and she pushed in his chair for him. Then she sat across from him and they both started to eat.

"Uncle said he will meet me at the Bifrost, so after breakfast perhaps you should dress, unless you don't want to be there."

Loki froze momentarily.

" could I leave today. I expected you to remind me in advance."

"My apologies. I didn't want to seem anxious to leave you."

Loki ran a hand through his ruffled hair, sighing.

He stood up from his seat and kissed his daughter through her short hair.

"Thank you for breakfast. I will join you at the Bifrost."

He disappeared into his quarters, but then reemerged wearing black pants, a white tunic and a green and black leather coat.

Katherine smiled and went to her room and grabbed her suitcase.

"What is that?" Loki asked, knowing she could just make up any clothes she wanted.

"Books. A few personal belongings."

Loki nodded, then held up a finger.

"Just a moment. I have something else."

He went back into his chambers, leaving his daughter curious.

He walked out holding a large, tall, golden staff with a devil horns shape at the top. In between the 'horns' there was a blue stone.

"This was Oph-your mother's." Loki stated as he gave her the staff. "Take it with you. Just in case."

Katherine reached out to grab it, but when her fingers made contact a layer of frost went over the gold.

Katherine quickly retracted her hand, gasping.

"I didn't know I could do that.." She whispered.

"Nor did I." Loki waved his hand over the frost and it disappeared.

"With this new found power you'll need to be extra careful." He passed her the staff. "And don't tell Thor."

"Yes, Father."

Katherine raised her hand above the staff and suddenly it turned into a small, silver hair pin. She smiled and placed it in her hair.

"Just until I need it."

Smirking, Loki followed his daughter to the Bifrost.

Thor was waiting like he had said, and he nodded at the two.

Katherine (Sequel to 'Ophelia')Where stories live. Discover now