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Name: Dipper Pines

Age: 12

Description: Brown hair and brown eyes, small for his age. Has the Big Dipper birth mark on his forehead. Last seen wearing black tennis shoes, gray shorts, and a orange shirt with a blue vest.

Last Seen: Gravity Falls, Oregon. Family woke up and he was gone.

Reported by: Stanley Pines, (Great Uncle of Dipper Pines) around 8:30 am.

Details: Police saying that the boy must have went missing early in the morning or during the night between 11 pm to 6:30 am. There isn't any leads. The boy left his blue and white pine tree hat on his bed and other personal belongings. Police are searching everywhere for the boy but there is still no leads.  After a week of searching they decided that he went off into the forest and die from starvation, dehydration, or killed by animals or a cliff. Body haven't been found.

If you got any idea about the boy or his body please contact family at 618 Gopher Road, Gravity Falls, Oregon, or by phone at 999-618-1817. Thank you.

(Have been edited)

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