Chapter 3: Old Friends Team Up

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Mabel POV

I went down for breakfast and both of my great uncles where there. "Morning Mabel" Grunkle Ford Smiled. "Good morning." I yawned back. After having that dream I had a hard time sleeping. I couldn't believe how I was in that dream. I would never give up on Dipper and I would not forget what happened to him. He is my brother and I won't let him down.

"So what are your plans today Mabel?" Grunkle Stan asks.

"Well I want to see my friends again. It's been four years since I last saw them and I really do miss them.  So I'm most likely going to stay with them the whole day so don't wait up on me."

"Oh you teenagers hanging out with your friends and technology."

"Oh don't worry. I'm staying for a while so you'll have time with me. I'm got pans for both of you tonight. I've gotten better at poker so there might be a challenge this time."

"I accept! I've gotten better also. This time I'm hopping you know what you are playing."

"Are you going to play Grunkle Ford?"

"I don't know Mabel...gambling isn't my thing."

"Oh come one, I bet you got a few tricks up your sleeve."

"I'll think about it."

"Don't worry. I'll drag him up the stairs to play. "Grunkle Stan said as he nudges his brother. I smiled, "Alright see you tonight!"

I eat breakfast and got ready for the day. I then drove up to town and I went to Northwest Manner. I enter to the gates and press the button that was on the side. "What." A voice snap. I knew that voice, it was Mr. Northwest. "I'll like to see Pacifica." I reply. "Who is this I may ask."

"Mabel Pines."

"Arg, Don't tell me that you are that sister of Pacifica's old boyfriend. She isn't interested in you."

"Mr. Northwest just let me in...I just want to talk to her."

"Well she doesn't want to talk to you."

"I want to hear that come out of her mouth."

"Leave or I'll..."

"Dad! Stop it!" I heard Pacifica's voice. Then there was a little bit of scuffling. Then finally, "Who is this?" Pacifica asks.

"It's Mabel. Can we talk?"

"Come on in."

Then the gates open and I drove up to the house. Pacifica meets me at the door. She grew up too. She have long golden blond hair, blue eyes, and she grew up tall and nicely. She gave me a hug as we meet at the door.

After hearing about Dipper's disappearance, Pacifica took it hard. They were only dating for a bit but they were pretty close. As they were getting close, Pacifica and I were getting close also. We've became great friends. Then once Dipper disappeared she really took it hard and just fell apart. She shut herself out of the world. She only let me in because I'm her only true friend. The others ditch her because she was cast out from her money so she isn't rich but she still lives in the place but isn't rich while her parents are rolling in money. Pacifica change into a better person and that was Dipper who really change her. To felt like she lost who she became. It's very complicated but still.

"Come into my room and we can talk. I don't want my dad or mom to butt in."

Then we rush up to her room.

Mabel it is good to see you again. It's been a long time." Pacifica said.

"I agree."

"So what brings you back into town?"

I pause for a moment. I really didn't want to bring it up but I know she will believe me. She was Dipper's girlfriend! "Pacifica...I don't believe that Dipper is dead. I think he is out there somewhere and is needing help." Pacifica's face grew dim and she sat down, "I know what you mean Mabel."


Pacifica looks at me, "Mabel...I...I don't know. At first I couldn't believe that Dipper just got lost in the forest and die. I just didn't believe that a boy that practically lived in the forest would just die because he got lost. After you left I went out and search. Trying to find him or anything that could help. I found I just don't know. Deep down...I feel that he is out there but in reality he isn't."

"Well don't listen to reality! Pacifica I feel that Dipper is out there and now since I could drive...I left my home and came here to search for Dipper. I'm asking you to join me...what do you think?"


Then Pacifica pause for a moment and talked to herself, "Should I join in another search for Dipper?" Then she looks at me, "Mabel I ...I would really love to but I'm not sure how this is going to turn out. I don't want to put myself out in the world again. It destroyed me. I couldn't find him and I had such high hopes. It crushed me! What would be different this time?"

"I'm here! Pacifica I'm here to help. Plus I got the journals to help us if we need them. Dipper did tell you about the journals, Right?" I ask and Pacifica nods, "Yes he told me about them. Mabel I...I can't put myself out there any more. Not again. I don't want to be crush any more. I have no friends and family, well not counting you, and I just have no one. It's been like that for four years! Mabel I don't think I can."

I place my hand on her shoulder, "Don't worry. I'm going to stay by your side and I'm going to make that you won't get crush. I know we will find Dipper...I can feel it. It's a twin thing. But trust me in this."

Pacifica nod her head, "Alright....i'll do it."

(Have been edited)

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