Chapter 4: Little Friend ain't so Little anymore

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Pacifica and I got into my car. "Aren't you going to visit your other friends and as them if they want to join? You know the small one with the glasses and the big one with the deep voice." Pacifica ask me. "Well they can't help us if they aren't in Gravity Falls. Candy moved away and Grenda isn't here for the summer. She is with Candy. I saw them a few weeks ago. Candy moved near me because her parents got a new job." I explained.

" are we going?"

I gave a small sigh with a groan. "I really didn't want to lead it up to this. But we need the help. He knows things around this town and he could help us find Dipper....Gideon Gleeful." Pacifica laughs, "Your joking right? Gideon? That weird kids that is madly in love with you? He still haven't let you go and now he is out of prison. "

"I wish I was joking right now. But he is the best that we got."

We drove up to Gideon's house. It was still the same old house. Blah! I didn't miss it one bit. We walked up to the front and there was a sigh saying, "Pardon this Garden" on the door. I knocked on the door and guess you answered it.

There was a tall boy, but I'm still taller, with white hair but it wasn't so big and over his head was Gideon. His hair was nice and flat. It was about time he got a hair cut. He was tall for a 14 year old boy. Even though he was 14, he still have that baby face but it was less of it and he did have a firmer jaw. He was finally growing up physically. I don't know mentally.

"Why I can't believe me eyes, It's Mabel Pines." Gideon smiled very creepily, "Oh and your brought Pacifica. It's a nice reunion don't you think?"

"I'm not here to make up Gideon. I want to talk to you about Dipper." I said firmly.

"I can't talk to the dead sweetheart."

""He isn't dead Gideon." Pacifica snap.

"Oh sure...What ever you think buttercup."

"Gideon, what have you been doing since you got back from jail?" I ask.

Gideon rub his jaw, pretending to think, "Nothing much. The town hates me still no thanks to you and your family so I can't continue my show biz." I cross my arms, "Not your personal life. I'm talking about with the supernatural world."

"I haven't touch that world for over four years."

"I don't believe you."

For me right when he came out of that door I notice that he was wearing a necklace but it was stuff in his shirt but I could see the chain around his neck. After I said, I didn't believe you, I reach out and grab the chain. "Hey!" Gideon snap, then I pulled out the necklace, braking the chain. I knew what it was. I clutch the stone and I made Gideon fly in the air. Pacifica was shock to see what I just did to Gideon. "You can't do this! That is rightfully mine! You broke my first one so I had to get a new one!" Gideon protested.

"So you have been dealing with the supernatural world again and here is my proof!" I snap.

"Fine! Yes! Yes I have been dealing with the supernatural world. It doesn't mean anything! Now can you please put me down and PLEASE don't break my amulet again!" Gideon cried out. I rolled my eyes, "Fine but only if you talk to us. The truth!" Gideon mumbles something. "What?" I ask as I raise the amulet up in the air, getting ready to throw it. "Alright! Alright! I'll talk to you! Everything and it will be true! Just don't break it!" Gideon pleaded. I gave a smile, "Alright." Then I lowered him down and handed him his amulet. Gideon quickly took it, "Come in I guess."

We entered the house. "So what you do want with the supernatural world?" Gideon ask. "I'm looking for Dipper." I reply. "Oh sure, so you are looking for Dipper on the other side...let me guess some unfinished  business to attend to?"

"No." I said sharply, "Dipper isn't dead."

"Alright then what do I have that you want?"


"About what?"

"Anything that could help us."

Gideon thought for a moment, "Tell me Mabel, do you think that Dipper is really on this earth?" I pause for a moment. I always thought about that. Grunkle Ford had a portal that lead to other worlds so there's got to be something else that could travel to different worlds. "Why not but how. My great uncle Ford took down the portal, Dipper told me, and so is there another way to travel to different worlds."

"Wait, Mabel you are thinking that Dipper is on another world?!" Pacifica asks. "Why not. There are many types of creatures that could do it." Gideon reply. "But I highly doubt that he found one of those creatures. They aren't even around this area. So he basically just die in the forest."

"No!" Pacifica snaps, "Dipper wouldn't just die in the forest. He knows it too well."

"Oh so the girlfriend does know something for once." Gideon sneer.

"Shut up Gideon." I hiss.

Gideon folds his arms, "Alright so what if Dipper is alive. That is where you need to start. But where is your proof?" I thought for a moment, I really didn't have physical proof. "Gideon don't you have something or know of something that could help us find him or at lest tell us that he is alive?" I ask.

Gideon started to chew on his lower lip, "Oh...sigh.....oh alright....Don't get mad at me though. Before I went to prison I....I put a tracker in both you and Dipper, Mabel."

"What!" I snap.

"Hey! I said don't get mad at me!"

I took a deep breath, "Alright, continue."

"So it trackers you where you are on this earth. It also tells you if your heart is beating or not and health ratings."

The Gideon went over to his coffee table and grab his tablet. Then he went to an app. "See...there you are." Gideon said then he showed me the screen. I saw there was a bling red dot on the map, right where I'm at, and it was telling me that I have a heart rate and was in perfect health. "You are such a creep." I muttered. "Hey! If I wasn't doing this to keep an eye on you and Dipper I wouldn't have Dipper on here to help you. All I really wanted was the tracker part but the health and heart rate just came with it."

Then Gideon switch people and to my joy there was a heartbeat.

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