Chapter 8: Waiting for Me

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It's been about a week and no news on Me on Dipper. I'm getting worried. Maybe there isn't any news. Dipper was out there so there's got to be something, but again there is about billions of places that he could be. What if we could never find him. For me, I've been trying to get journal two for Gideon for the King Stone....blah! I still have the taste in my mouth. Blah!...Anyway, I can't find journal two. I only know where journal three was because it will always be in out room on Dipper's bed. Grunkle Ford keeps it there.

I was in the living room watching T.V, trying to think how to get journal two without Grunkle Ford to know. Well....Should I tell Grunkle Ford and Grunkle Stan about Dipper? I wasn't too sure. They were older now and I'm not sure what they will do. They can't do much anyway. Grunkle Ford kind of shut off his lad so he doesn't do much with his experiment...or does he? I don't know. They could help but I don't want anyone to get hurt. This is really my task. They might not believe me or they will tell me to back off, like Soos and Wendy.

Then Grunkle Stan walked in and he chuckle, "I can't believe that you are watching this." I look up at the screen and it was, 'How a Turtle Move, part 100'. "Ah!" I gasp then I quickly change the channel. "You aren't really watching T.V. What's on your mind kid?" Grunkle Stan ask as he turns off the T.V. Great, this is my chance to tell him or lie to him. I'm not sure if he will help or not. I do hate keeping secrets though.

Then Grunkle Stan came and sat on the arm of the chair. I swallowed...I guess it was worth it telling him. I hope it doesn't back fire. "Well you know that four years ago Dipper went missing." Grunkle Stan gave a sad nod and I continue, "And well to me I never believe that Dipper just die in the forest. To me I think he is still alive somewhere."  Then Grunkle Stan place his arm around my shoulder, "Listen Mabel I know how it is to lose someone. I lost Ford for more then 30 years." "You never gave up." I interrupted. I wanted him to stop there so I could get to my point in a positive way. "Grunkle Stan Dipper is alive and I can prove it. Gideon had..."

"Gideon? You went to Gideon!"

"Grunkle Stan listen to me! It is important. He put this tracker inside both me and Dipper that could tell you where you are on this earth and what is your heart rate and health. It showed that Dipper is alive but isn't on this earth. Then I made a deal with him that if he could help us then I will do something for him. Gideon wants the King Stone from Journal 2."

Grunkle Stan got up, "Mabel."

"Grunkle Stan I'm not crazy or anything. It is true!"

"Mabel listen to me. You can't do this...look....sure Dipper may be alive but you can't just go making deal with people like Gideon."

"I'm not dumb Grunkle Stan. It's not like making a deal with Bill. Gideon is the best and a safe choice to make a deal with. She he is a creeper and a complete stocker but he is the best choice. We already done this and he has this semi demon that is out looking for Dipper in the different worlds. It's already been done. Now we are just waiting for Me to come back."

"Who else is a part of this?"

"Gideon, Pacifica and I. Soos and Wendy know but they aren't joining and now you." I reply. "And me." Said a voice and I saw Grunkle Ford coming around the corner. "Grunkle Ford..." Grunkle Ford raise his hand to silence me. "Look Mabel...I'm not sure what you got into...or even Dipper. You can't trust demons...even semi-demons. I know how that is. I've been on different worlds, dimensions, and universes through the portal. That portal takes you to some of the places out of a billion of places. This semi-demon isn't going to find Dipper. It is too big of a area to look. Plus you says that this semi-demon is going to keep the deal. They could trick you or take Dipper for themselves. This isn't going to end well. you might just have made things worse."

"Well Dipper is alive and you know it." I snap back, "Well you can't so no to the facts. Dipper is alive but there is a reason how he got into the spot and he's been there long enough. I'm going to going to help matter what. He's been gone for four years and I'm going to make sure it isn't longer. Me and Dipper were extremely close and it hurts me that he isn't here." Then I started to have tears down my face, "You know how it was like to life my life without him. I would wake up in the morning and he wasn't there. I sat alone at lunch and at all my classes. I had to tell people that my brother die! I was alone without him! I can't live that like that any more. When he disappeared I learned how much I need him. I miss how annoying he was, how protective and fun he was. For you two you weren't close and you were apart for most of your lives for the beginning. Me and Dipper aren't like you. I need him and I bet he needs me. I'm not going to let him down. Now you are either in or not because I'm already in and I'm not going to pull out."

Both of them went quite. "Mabel, you can't. You don't know what is out there." Grunkle Ford reply, "I'm not hearing a yes or a no." That is all I want to hear right now." I snap back. Grunkle Ford sighs and tightens his jaw, "I can't stop you so no. I'm just going to let you crash and you will learn." "I'm not in." Grunkle Stan said then he looks away. "Fine." I reply then I walked out.

I really didn't need them. I got Gideon and Pacifica and Me. So I'm pretty good with that and I don't need anyone else. I'm going to find Dipper.

I walk up to my room and lock it. Then I notice that journal three was gone. I look on the bed and table, under the bed and in the closet. I look everywhere. It was gone. Grunkle Ford. Then I heard footsteps in the room and I turn around and I saw Grunkle Ford coming out of the shadows. "How did you....Never mind. Where is journal three?" I demanded.

"I'm not going to let you have it. The same with the others." Grunkle Ford reply. "So this is how you are going to stop me?" I ask. Grunkle Ford gave a small shrug, "Maybe but it's a start. I hid journal two so you don't find the King Stone and give it to Gideon and journal three and one are also hidden in case Gideon asks for more. Also to stop you for trying to find something to go to other dimensions and worlds."

"Why are you trying to stop me?" I ask, "Did you think Grunkle Stan just went, oh my brother just went through a portal and I will never see him again...alright fine with me. No, he spent 20 years trying to get you back. I'm not going to spend 30 years apart from Dipper. Four is enough. I'm done sitting at lunch alone with no friends or brother to sit by me. I had nobody to talk to. At school and home...Dipper was my only friend. He helped me with my school work and personal problems. I'm done with telling people that my brother was dead even thought I know he wasn't dead. You have no idea how it felt like without him! I'm sure that Dipper is missing me also and wishes that I'm with him also. Dipper wouldn't just leave me like this. Something happen and now I'm going to bring him back."

"Mabel, listen I don't want you to waste your like or endanger it. The main thing is that you are dealing with demons and other worlds and demons and new worlds should never be trusted. This demon could be like Bill Cipher and just trick you into something and making things worse." Grunkle Ford reply. "Grunkle Ford I know about Bill Cipher. That is why I'm not going to him. He is a lying demon. Me is a different demon. Gideon trusts her and right now I'm trusting Gideon. I'm trusting Me. I'm safe. Now my mind is set and you can't change on what I'm doing. If you are trying to stop me will just stop because it isn't going to work. Now if I were you...I'll leave my room. Right now!"

Grunkle Ford tightens his jaw but sighs then he left the room. Tears were streaming down my face. I was fill with anger and sadness. Nobody in my family believes me in this...but Dipper would. He would do the same if I was in his spot. That is what I'm going to do. I'm done having him give up things that he wants over it's mine turn.

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