Chapter 22: Goodbye Forever....For Now....Who Knows

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Mabel POV again! Yay!

Grunkle Ford and Stan came through the portal. I was surprise. "Stanford!" Bill hiss. Then Grunkle Ford held a gun and shot this white beam at Bill. It hit Bill and he cried out and fell to the ground. "Dipper! Drop the knife!" Grunkle Stan snap but then Grunkle Ford just shot Dipper. Dipper cried out in pain and drops the knife and fell to the ground, "Ford! What was that! That was Dipper!" Grunkle Stan snaps. "No it wasn't...I'll explain." He said gravely.

Then Gideon got up and grabs the knife, "Gideon!" Grunkle Stan cried out. Then Gideon raise the knife to throw it but Grunkle Stan shot him and Gideon cried out and fell to the ground. "I've always wanted to do that." Grunkle Stan smiled.

"Grunkle Stan! Grunkle Ford!" I cried out with a wide smile. "Mabel!" Grunkle Stan cried out and quickly rushes up to me and hugs me. "I'm so glad that you came!" I smiled. Then Grunkle Stan cut my ropes, "Mabel don't you dare go into other universes again." I chuckle, "I won't."

Grunkle Ford was over at Dipper, Gideon, and Bill. "Ford why did you shoot Dipper?" Grunkle Stan asks. Ford bent down to Dipper's side and I couldn't see what he was doing, Grunkle Ford sighs, "Because it isn't Dipper."

Grunkle Stan walks to his side and I fallowed him, "What do you mean?"

"Well this is Dipper know, when I stun him the connection temporarily he's back, See."

Then Grunkle Ford force Dipper's eye to open and I saw his brown eyes not white. "He had white eyes before...indication he was under the trance spell." Grunkle Ford reply then removes his hand and Dipper's eye close. "Could you do anything?" I ask, "The same with Gideon and Pacifica."

"Wait they are a part of this too?" Grunkle Ford asks.

"Well Dipper is with Bill and Chalka, another demon who is lying over there because Dipper killed him, was using Gideon and Pacifica. He was going to use me but since Bill had Dipper that means I was Bill's also but Dipper made a deal with Bill that I wouldn't be his. So I'm nobody's servant." I explain.

"How could Chalka be dead if he's a demon?" Grunkle Stan asks. "Only if he isn't a full demon yet. He may just be a demon what a be you is reaching up there. Bill was like that once...everyone is like that at first." Grunkle Ford reply. "How long have Gideon and Pacifica been in the trance? How many lessons?"

"None. They only been in the trance for just a bit. There was no lesson but Chalka took some knowledge of Dipper and put into those weird things that are on their temples to give them the knowledge." I explain.

"So no connection good, then I could fix them." Grunkle Ford reply, "Stanley put Gideon and Pacifica into the patrol." Grunkle Stan nod and pick up Gideon and left, "What about Dipper? Could you fix him?" I ask desperately. I don't want Dipper to be Bill's assassin any more. I want my brother back.

Grunkle Ford gave a depressing sigh, "Mabel...I really hate to tell you this but I can't help Dipper." Tears flooded my eyes and Grunkle Ford continues, "Bill and Dipper connection is too strong. They had four years of teaching I don't know the cure that will help Dipper. The connection is too strong. I got something for Gideon and Pacifica because the connection...well there isn't a connection really so I could just break it off easily. Dipper needs something else to break the connection. Mabel I'm sorry."

"Can't we bring him with us and figure it out?" I ask.

"We can't take him. Bill just got to snap his fingers and Dipper will attack. No matter how far they are apart Bill still have control over him. The connection is too strong. Having Dipper around will just endanger everyone on earth." Grunkle Ford explain, "Mabel I'm sorry your job to find Dipper and bring him back isn't going to work...not today and most likely not ever. Mabel I'm sorry but Dipper is gone."

"When will Dipper wake up? So I could talk to him one last time? A proper good bye." I sniffle. Grunkle Ford shook his head, "Not soon enough. The portal will close in about two minutes. Dipper will still be asleep." Then Grunkle Ford ran through Dipper's hair. Then he got up and left and went to Grunkle Stan. I sat by Dipper's side.

I couldn't believe that I couldn't help him. All I ever wanted was Dipper to come back home and be the Dipper I know and love. But now he is still stuck here and doing things that he doesn't want to.

Then Grunkle Stan came by my side. "Sorry Mabel." Then Grunkle Stan look at Dipper, "Well you finally got tall kid...I'll give you props for that. Maybe by the time your 18 you will finally be taller than me and you can call me names." Bother me and Grunkle Stan small laugh out of that. "It was nice knowing you Dipper." Then Grunkle Stan got up. Then an idea came to my head.

I quickly went up to Bill's desk and grab a pen and a piece of paper but I couldn't find a piece of paper so I grab a book and tear out a blank piece of paper. Then I wrote on the book.


I don't have much time before we have to leave. I just want to say thank you for everything. I guess this is our proper goodbye. Thank you for being the best brother anyone could ask for. Thank you for the laughs, funs, and time that we had together. Dipper my goal was to find you and bring you home but that failed today. Don't worry I won't come looking for you again, but if I do find a way to save you then I will come for now I know. Don't let what Bill is making you do be a part of you. Keep being the Dipper that I know and love. Don't let Bill change you. I'm going to miss you very much Bro Bro. Love you.


Your Amazing Twin Sister


I then crumble up the paper and stuff it into Dipper's hand. "Mabel!" Grunkle Stan cried out. Then I turn around and saw that the portal was shutting down. It started to flicker. I face Dipper and kiss on the forehead, "I love you Dipper and I'll miss you." Then I got up and went to Grunkle Stan's side. I turn around and got one last look at Dipper then I went through to portal. I will never see Dipper again and I know what he will be doing and I can't do anything. Gone forever...or maybe for now....who knows.

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