Chapter 18: Torcher

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Alright this is Lafevers POV! The head of the prison if you forgot. :)

"Prisoner 618 is out of hand LaFevers. What do we do?"

"Well where is he right now?" I demanded.

"He's..." then static. "Boobo? Boobo!" Then nothing. I started to panic. I was walking around the halls trying to figure what is going on. I headed turned left and stop and gasp. There was three dead gaurds with blood everywhere. "He's near." I muttered. "I got to get out of here." I then turn around and then saw some more dead guards. I only took one step before I was stop. I heard someone coming. "Oh no." I muttered.

Then I quickly took off in the other all way, my heart was racing. "I must head to the holding station and start up the gas. Sleeping Gas will stop him." I headed down the stairs and manage to get down to the next story. I was almost there. I saw the door down the hall. I rush down the hall way. My heart was pounding and racing. Almost there.

Then suddenly an arm reaches out and yanks me close. I felt something wet on my neck. "Where do you think you are going?" I heard a voice sneer. Then an arm wrap tightly around my waste. "You don't think you are going to stop me?" It was prisoner 618. "You can't kill me. You-you won't kill me." I gasp.

Prisoner 618 gave a dark laugh, "We will see. Not at the moment but maybe later I could open up your throat and watch you drown." Then he forces me to fallow him. I learn that it was the knife that he had to my throat. It was wet and warm from all the blood.

Prisoner 618 led me up to my office and shoves me into my office and that is where I saw him, Bill Cipher. "What a nice office you have LaFever." He sneers. "Pine Tree lock the door." Then Prisoner 618 closes the door and broke the door knob and stood by the door.

"What is the meaning of this Cipher?" I demanded. Bill was sitting on my desk. Bill straightens some of my pencils. "Well first off I hope my assassin Pine Tree treated you well.  Well I don't if he did or not. the point is that something came up and I need something that you have. I need to Harvest Stone."

I laugh, "I'll never give you the stone! You can't make me!"

"Oh I bet I can with a little help from Pine Tree."

Then Prisoner 618 took one step closer with his bloody knife in his hand. "So this is what you have been doing with the human. You put him through the forbidden trance and train him." I said. Bill smirk...well if he had a smile but I could tell, "Of course. Now we can do this the easy way or the hard way. The easy way is that you give me the stone and no harm will come to you, or the hard way. Where we will cause you so much pain where you talk. I can't do the trance on you and make you talk but Dipper can make you talk. I've train him well. So what will it be?"

"I rather die than say where the stone is." I snap out. Bill snaps his figures. Then I felt a sharp pain on my leg. I fell to the ground. Prisoner 618 had stabbed me in the leg. Then Prisoner 618 twists the blade. I cried out in pain. Then he got close up to my ear, "Can't you feel the pain? Isn't pain halliouse?" "Go to your Hell." I sneer. Then he pushes in more and twists harder. "Pine Tree use magic. She's a tough one." Bill ordered. Prisoner 618 gave a dark smile. Then he removes the blade then he started to mutter a langue I never heard before. Then I started to feel very cold and I could feel my blood flowing out Then Prisoner 618 raise his knife in front of my face and I could see that he was controlling a river of blood, my blood. It was in the air.

Then Prisoner 618 gave a dark smile. Then he muttered something and the snake like blood just face me then it strike and went up my nose. I scream out in agginy as I could feel the blood snake went up my nose and into my brain. It was dread full. "Ah! Stop! Stop! Please stop!" Bill raise up his hand and the blood snake came out from my nose. My head pound and blood ozz out of my ears, eyes, nose and mouth.

I cough out blood.

"Now tell us where the stone is!" Prisoner 618 hiss. I gasp but didn't speak. Then Prisoner 618 stabs me in the other leg. Then he muttered something and another blood snake came out of my leg. Then they both strike in my nose and they both reach up to my brain again. I screamed out. I could feel my ears, mouth, eyes, the end of my fingers and nose to bleed rapidly and the blood was extremely hot.

Then Prisoner 618 stabs me in both arms and two more blood snakes came out. Then they came into both ears. I scream out in pain. I could feel my self drowning. I could feel blood flooding into my lungs and into the rest of my organs. "Alright!" I screamed out. Then the snake things came out. My whole body burn. "Alright....The stone...the stone is hidden behind my bookshelf....pull the book called "Death by Heart" then...once the panel moves...the code is 301817. Cough, cough, cough. Then...then you have to flip the three switches in order...the middle, left, right, then middle again. Then...there is your stone."

Then Bill went up to the book self and pulled out the book then the panel move. Then he type in the code and then flips the switches. I felt so disappointed in me. I had to tell Cipher about the stone, but I can't deal with the pain. I was literally drowning my burning hot blood. My own blood was killing me from the inside. I knew this spell. It may feel like that blood snakes are killing you fast but they are really killing your very slowly. The burning blood was only the first step. I couldn't deal with it...esipley how the next deaths are. After the burning blood, your skill will start to burn off and the same with your hair and slim. Then the next this is that you will slowly burn into nothingness. Your bones, muscles, everything. Soon you will just burn into nothingness. I couldn't do that. It was too much pain.

I really didn't want to die like that. I really didn't think that Bill or Prisoner 618 knew the spell.

Bill chuckle darkly, "See that wasn't so hard."

"What are you planning, Cipher."

"That is for me and Pine Tree to know. Now Pine Tree finishes her off and then finishes the rest of the prisoners. No one will serve this. Kill everyone in this prison." Bill ordered. "No! You can't just destroy all that I work for! You will pay!" I cried out. Bill just laugh. Prisoner 618 gave a dark smile. Then he muttered something and the four blood snakes went up to my mouth, nose and ears. I screamed out and I then felt them crushing my brain and neck. Then everything went black and cold.

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