Chapter 17: The Trick

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Saria grab my hand, "We must leave Mabel. I know this is hard but we must go. Now! Dipper left us be because we weren't in the way but he might kill us if we stay. We must leave." I was still crying. Dipper was a murder and is being controlled my Bill...or was he doing this all on his own. I don't know. I still haven't found my brother quite yet. "Alright." I reply.

"I've already contacted Chalka. He's on his way." Gideon reply, "But that bad news is that he can't bring out you three. He could only take Pacifica, Mabel and Me. The system is now shut off so nobody can't get in or out very easily. He could only take us because we are his." Saria nod, "That is fine. We can take care of ourselves. You three need to leave." Then Gideon took off his shoe, "Gideon what are you doing?" Pacifica asks.

"Well if we can't fight Dipper or protect ourselves I hide this so we can use it later." Then Gideon pulled out his amulet. "You snuck that in?" Saria demanded, "Of course! I'm not going to leave this behind." Then Gideon ties it around his neck.

"Alright let's go to the boarding station." Gideon ordered. "That is where Chalka will be meeting us." We all nod and we started to head in the opposite way that Dipper went. "Where do you think Dipper is going?" Pacifica asks. Saria shrug, "I don't know. It's whatever Bill Cipher wants."

We started to head. Then suddenly four gaurds came around the corner, "Hey! What are you doing? Go to your cells and stay out of this section!" The big purple and blue one ordered. Gideon grabs his amulet and raises all the gaurds in the air and slams them to the wall. "Let's go!" then we quickly jump over the stun guards and race down the hallway.

As we went over the hallway a ray of white hit Gideon. Gideon fell to the ground crying out in pain and I could see elctisily swarming around him. "Stun gun!" Saria muttered. Then she reaches out and grab Gideon's ankle and drag him out of the way. More blasts hit the wall but he hide around the corner.

Gideon stop squirming but he was unconscious. "What are we going to do? They will hit us once we step out there." Pacifica asks. Then Gother step in, "Shshshshsshhs." "Gother you can't!" Saria protested. "Shhshahshshshahsh." Saria sigh, "Alright."

"What?" I ask. "The blast of the stun guns won't hurt Gother. It's her kind type of thing. She will stop them as we go by." Saria reply. "You aren't going back...are you Gother." I ask. Gother nods her head. "Well we are stuck here anyway. Gother is just going away with style." Saria pointed out. I hug Gother, "Thank you Gother for everything. I really wish you can come and be free."

"Don't worry Mabel, she will be fine...we will all be fine." Saria reply. Deep down I knew she was lying. Then Gother slither up to the corner then she just left. "Get her! Stop her! Ahhhhh!" I heard cries and hissing.

Dan bent down and picked up Gideon in his pray mantis hands. "How long will he be out?" I ask. "It depends. My guess for a bit. It depends how well he fight off the shock." Saria replies, "Alright let's go!" Then we all got up to our feet and ran down the hall way. I saw Gother strangling a guard with her body and her fangs sinking into another guard's neck. We jumped over them and we quickly left. I looked back and I could see more guards came and they were pulling Gother away and pinning her down. "Thank you Gother." I muttered.

Then we ran into this lock door, "Alright the boarding station is behind this door." Saria said, "But it is lock." Then Dan laid Gideon down on the ground, who was lightly groaning. Then Dan reaches out and stabs the panel. Sparks flew everywhere and the lights flickered. "Dan! No!" Saria cried out. "GGGGGGGGGOOOOOOOO!" Dan ordered. Then the door opened. "Dan!" I cried.

"Over here!" I heard some guards coming. "We must go!" Saria said. Then she reaches down and picked up Gideon. We ran through the door. Then Dan fell to the ground as a crisp and the door close. "Dan." I muttered. I didn't want people to die for us. There was no point why are they doing this.

We ran onto the catwalk. "There!" Pacifica pointed out, and we could see a small transporter and Chalka was there and waving his slimy arm. "Over here! Quick!" We headed for the stairs then the guards got the door opened. "Stop them!" and they started to come running towards us. They didn't have guns so they didn't shoot us. Saria set Gideon down. Gideon was already reviving but he couldn't stand on his own. "Here, Take him and go! I'll hold them off. I will give you as much time as I could give you. Just go!" I rap Gideon's arm around me. "Well let me help you for a moment." I reply. Then I grab Gideon's amulet and raise the gaurds up in the air and threw them back into the door way. "Thanks but now you must go!" Saria ordered.

"Saria thank you. I sorry about Dan and Chim and Gother...and I'm sorry on what Dipper is doing." I reply with tears in my eyes. Saria place her hand on my shoulder, "Hey its fine. Friends do things for each other. And don't be sorry for what Dipper did and is doing. I'm not blaming you or him. I'm more as blaming Bill Cipher. He is making Dipper do this. Don't beat yourself over it. Now go!" Pacifica was already down the stairs and I started to fallow her with Gideon on my shoulder.

I watch as Saria go and hold off the guards. "Ahhh!" I heard Saria screaming out. Then I saw that more guards came and this time they had the stun guns. Saria was down and then they started to shoot at us.

"No checking out prisoners!" One hiss. "Prisoners escaping!" another cried out. "Stop them!"

I rush down the stairs as fast as I could with Gideon on my shoulder. Luckily they were missing. "Come on!" Pacifica cried out. She was already at the transporter, holding the door for us. The machine started to start. Once we got to close Pacifica got out and helped me pull Gideon in and we made it in. the door close.

We pant. "Oh thank goodness." Pacifica gasp, "Luckily they shoot like storm troopers." I laugh. It was a cry laugh. Pacifica raps her arms around me. She also cries a bit, "I'm sorry." Pacifica whimpers. "It wasn't supposed to be this way."

Then Chalka came up to us, "It is a shame. I'm sorry on what happened. I'm angry that this happened. Bill is moving on with his plan. So I'll have to move on with my plan."

"W-what plan?" I sniffle. Chalka gave a dark laugh, "Well you see. I knew about Dipper all along. I knew what he could do under the trance."

"What?" Pacifica snaps.

"I just needed you three to make a deal with me and to get Dipper out of prison so I could use him as leverage to Bill. I know what he was planning to use Dipper for and he isn't going to do it before me. He is planning to use his little assassin to break into the royal universes and take over the whole galaxy and becoming the king demon of all time. Then he will go to other galaxies and start wars and will take over everything! I'm the one that should be doing that! But then I guess he found out about you three when Dipper killed that prisoner so he is moving on with his plans so now I have to move on with mine."

"W-what do you mean?" I reply.

"Well I ask of you something from each of you. Well that is your service and you are now mine!" "You can't do that!" Pacifica cried out. "Oh yes I can and you three as my slaves!" I got up to my feet and lung for Chalka but then robotic arms grab me and held me back. Then robot arms grab Gideon and Pacifica. "Hey!" Gideon grumbles.

Then Chalka grab a weird looking book. "You can't do this! Someone will stop you! This plan won't work! Ah-Dipper will stop you! He will stop you!" I cried out. Chalka laugh, "Good luck with that." Then he walked up in front of us. "Tassla Lackko Selve." Then his eyes glow.

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