Chapter 3

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Elijah's POV

Once I get to the park, I notice that the sun is setting, sending streaks of pink and orange across the sky. I have to walk around a little bit before I find Autumn sitting on a bench with her face in her hands. 

"Autumn?" I ask. She turns to me Her big brown eyes are red and her cheeks are stained with tears. What the hell happened to her?

"Hi," she says as she wipes her face. "I'm sorry if I bothered you. I just..."

"Oh don't worry. You're not bothering me," I say. She walks over to me. She wraps her arms around me and starts crying into my shirt. Damn it! I came here to comfort her but I'm not good at comforting people. What do I do? I don't know her very well. No girls ever come to me crying except Reagan. Reagan's problems are never serious. There always no big deal. I think Autumn's problem is more serious than Reagan's problems. "What happened?" I ask.

"I was...I..." She can barely speak or breath. It's heartbreaking seeing her cry.

"Just calm down. Okay, Is it something that you did?"

"No," she says.

"Is it something that someone did to you?"

"Yes." Seeing her cry makes me want to cry. She is such a sweet girl. Why would anyone want to do anything to hurt her? What exactly did they do to make her cry this much? It must have been really bad. I look down to her arm and I see bruises. Damn. This probably has something to do with it but I don't want to ask her.

"What did they do to you?" I ask. She doesn't say anything. She probably can't speak because she's crying so much. "Let's sit down."

Autumn's POV

Elijah sits down on the bench and I sit next to him. He puts his arm around me and I bury my face in his t-shirt. Usually, I don't like it when people touch me. But, Elijah is gentle and he is sweet and he's not touching me in a hurtful way. Unlike my dad.

"What happened?" He asks. This question brings the tears back. I don't want to think about what happened. I just shake my head. "That's alright. You don't have to tell me right now," He says. I feel really bad. I called him and made him come here and ...I'm just bothering him. He must be really annoyed with me right now.

We sit on the bench together and we watch the sun go down. I love being with Elijah. He has a great personality and warmth. If I could, I would stay on this park bench with him forever.

But, we don't know each other very well. He doesn't like me the way I like him. He likes Reagan. She's prettier and more popular than me. She has blond hair and blue eyes. Of course Elijah likes her.

"It's getting pretty late. Are you okay?" Elijah asks, looking into my eyes. He has the most beautiful eyes I have ever seen.

"I'm fine now. Thank you for coming," I say.

"Any time. If anything is bothering you, feel free to tell me."

"Thanks Elijah." He starts walking away.

"Bye Autumn," he says.

"Bye." I start walking home. As I am walking, I start smiling uncontrollably. I feel like flying. I really like him. Really, really like him. He is so nice.

But, as soon as I get home, my smile quickly fades. I stand on the porch, take a deep breath, and walk through the door.

"Autumn? Where the hell have you been?" I hear my dad shout. Oh no.

 Reagan's POV

At around one in the morning, I can't sleep so I start texting Elijah.

Me: E! im bored.

E: Then go to bed.

Me: i am in bed

E: Then go to sleep.

Me: i can't. thats why i txted you. so who did you go see erlier

E: Your bad grammar is actually bringing me pain.

Me: your so funny. who did you go see?

E: Have you ever seen a dictionary? I went to see Autumn.

Me: who?

E: Autumn Clarke

Me: doesnt ring a bell

E: She has almost every class with you.

Me: still dont know her

E: Well, you're missing out because she is a really great person.

Me: so what should i wear on friday

E: You look beautiful in everything.

Me: thanx! XD your such a great friend

He didn't respond. Is it something I said? No. He probably just fell asleep.

Demetri's POV

As soon as I got off the phone with Reagan, I drove over to Kandy's house. This is just what I need. I kind of want to have a relationship with her but Kandy doesn't want a relationship. I don't understand why. She doesn't have to sleep around and be a bitch. A lot of boys would love to have a steady relationship with her.

When I pull up to her house, I see her sitting on the porch. I get out of my car and walk up to her.

"Dem," she says.

"Hey Kandy," I say. 

"My parents are here."


"Yeah. You're going to have dinner with us," she says. Ugh! I don't want to eat dinner with them.

"Fine whatever," I say. I take her hand and we walk through the door.

Kandy's POV

Demetri and I walk in the house. My parents are standing there. I really don't want to do this

"Mom, Daddy. This is Demetri," I say. Dem shakes my dad's hand and gives my mom a hug.

"It's nice to meet you," my mom says."We just got news on the trip. We have to leave now. We'll see you on Sunday." Oh thank the Lord. That was a miracle. I just witnessed a miracle. They both give me hugs and they leave. I'm still in shock because of the miracle that I have witnessed.

"Well, that's convenient," Dem says.

"So, do you want to go back to the original plan?" I ask him.

"Of course," he says as I lead him upstairs.

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