Chapter 4

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Elijah's POV

After school, I go to Reagan's locker to talk to her before she goes home.

"Hey Reagan," I say.

"Hey, E," she says. "Sorry for texting you so late."

"Yeah. Don't do that."

"Oh you know you love it," she says. Well, I like it a little bit. Demetri walks past and winks at her, making me sick. Reagan starts blushing and smiling. I should be the one that makes her blush.

"I don't like him," I tell her.

"E, you haven't liked any of my past boyfriends. You've thought that each one was either a drug dealer or a pimp. Demetri isn't a drug dealer or a pimp."

"Well, maybe none of them have been pimps but that one guy was doing drugs. I was right about him." Reagan just laughs at me. I'm being serious. 

"He wasn't doing drugs. He just looked high all the time. Demetri isn't doing drugs."

"Maybe he's not a drug dealer or a pimp but he is a slut."

"Don't be mean. Demetri isn't a slut."

"Oh, yes. He is a slut. So is Kandy. They are being sluts together. I know it."

"Kandy is a slut. You're right about that. Demetri isn't and he wouldn't sleep with Kandy."

"I'm just looking out for you."

"I have to go. I'll talk to you later," She says as she walks away. She really needs to open her eyes. She is going to get hurt. I'm almost certain Demetri is going to hurt her. She means too much to me.

Just as I am about to leave, I see Autumn at her locker. I guess I should go talk to her.

Autumn' POV

I look into the mirror in my locker and try to cover the bruise on my eye with make up.Why isn't it working? It's still obvious that I have a bruise. Well, It's the end of the day anyway. All I'm going to do is go home and probably get more bruises. The only person I didn't want to see it was...

"Hey Autumn," Elijah says from behind me. I turn around and I see his breathtaking smile. "Did I scare you?"

"A little. I didn't see you walk up," I say. His smile is fading and he is studying my face. Oh no, he can see my bruise.

"What happened to your eye?" he asks. I really don't want to lie to him but I can't tell him the truth.

"I uh...tripped...and hit my head." Judging by his expression, he isn't falling for my story. He takes my arm and he rolls up my sleeve, revealing more bruises. How does he know about those?

"Explain these," he says. I don't know how to answer him. He isn't going to fall for the tripping story.

"I...I was..."

"Is someone hurting you?" he asks.

"No. I..."

"Yesterday, I asked why you were crying. I asked if it was because of something that someone did to you and you said yes. Do these bruises have anything to do with that? Please don't lie to me." I can't answer him. I just can't.

"I have to go," I say. I turn around and I start walking away. I wish I could tell him but I just can't.

"Someone is hurting you and I'm going to find out who it is," he says from behind me. Keeping this from him is killing me.

Reagan's POV

Why is E so worried about Demetri? Demetri would never hurt me. We haven't even started dating yet. I'm sure our date will turn out great.

As I am walking out of the school, I notice Elijah talking to a girl. That must be the Autumn girl has was talking about last night. I've seen her before and I think we have a few classes together. I just didn't know that her name was Autumn.

Autumn starts walking towards me and away from Elijah. Should I talk to her?

"Hey Autumn," I say as I start walking next to her. She looks a little bit confused.

"Hi Reagan," she says. How does she know my name? Whatever.

"I saw you talking to Elijah," I say. Maybe she likes him?


"So, do you like him?" Was that a little too weird? I don't care. I just want to know if she likes him. Elijah is my best friend.

"I don't know you," she says. She starts walking faster.

"Is that a yes?"

"You're weird," She says as she walks away. Maybe that was too weird. I am about to follow her but someone follows me from behind. I turn around and I see Demetri.

Demetri's POV

"Hey Dem," she says. It kind of bothers me that she's calling me Dem. Only Kandy calls me Dem. I love it when Kandy calls me Dem. But, I guess I can let it slide with her.

"Hey Reagan. I'm really excited for our date tomorrow," I say.

"I am too," She says. "What movie are we going to see?"

"Whatever you want to see, my angel." Her face turns bright red. It doesn't feel right calling her my angel. I always call Kandy, my angel. "I have to go," I say. "Bye Reagan."

"Bye Dem." Damn. She said it again. I really want my relationship with Reagan to work but, I feel weird calling her everything that I call Kandy. Kandy is my angel. Kandy calls me Dem. I've dated other girls and I've always been with Kandy. Why is it bothering me so much with Reagan? We haven't even started dating yet.

Kandy's POV

There's Dem. Talking to Reagan. Again. Demetri has dated other girls and has been with me at the same time but it's never bothered me like this. If I were to ever want a steady relationship, I would want it to be with him. He's the only person that I know that hasn't called me a bitch or a slut. I admit, I am a bitch and a slut but it still hurts my feelings when people call me that. I don't let people know that it hurts. I live by that saying 'put your bitch-face on and carry on'. I know that it's supposed to be 'keep calm and carry on' but I like mine better.

Just as I am about to leave, I see Elijah. Wait, he likes Reagan. What if he were to take her away from Demetri? Then I could try to have an actual relationship with him.

"Hey Elijah!" I call. He looks at me shocked. "Come over here." He walks over to me cautiously.

"What do you want?" He asks with ice in his voice. Why? I haven't done anything to him. I think.

"I need you to get Reagan away from Demetri."

"Why do you want me to do that?" he asks. I don't want to tell him but I have to.

"I don't like them together. You like Reagan. Don't you?"

"Is it that obvious?"


"Well, I've tried to tell her to stay away but she doesn't listen to me. You're on your own," he says while walking away. Did he just walk away from me? No. Boys do not do that to me. Elijah must have some balls to just walk away like that.

Well, I guess I'm on my own.

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